- 2
[BUG][Service REST]After an update database tables appservicecontent and appserviceheader are emptied
#2554 opened by ittaLaRedoute - 0
Unable to delete a test in QUWITHDEP status from queue
#2555 opened by cencio91 - 0
[BUG] - Some features of Campaign Execution Reporting don't work properly
#2553 opened by ittaLaRedoute - 0
[BUG] - No title on status column on LogViewer
#2552 opened by ittaLaRedoute - 1
[BUG] - Filters on Execution List page
#2551 opened by ittaLaRedoute - 0
- 0
[Bug] - getFromHtml properties
#2550 opened by ittaLaRedoute - 2
- 0
[BUG] Testcases created with @ instead of @
#2547 opened by ittaLaRedoute - 3
Documentation] How to pass a property to library?
#2548 opened by cencio91 - 1
Support server to server issue creation for Github
#2533 opened by vertigo17 - 1
Support server to server issue creation for JIRA
#2531 opened by vertigo17 - 2
Bug - The characters such as '[' ']' are not escaped before being inserted into the database
#2506 opened by MathisSenicourt - 2
[BUG] - Cannot add application to environment
#2544 opened by ittaLaRedoute - 0
duplicating a testcase does not copy the parameter waitbefore and waitafter values
#2542 opened by j0hnsa - 3
Filter System in Application, Env and Label pages
#2541 opened by ittaLaRedoute - 1
- 1
[BUG] Cannot create Datalibrary with CSV
#2543 opened by cencio91 - 0
- 1
- 2
Execution times 2hours gap
#2526 opened by MathisSenicourt - 0
how can i send report of test execution from another framework to cerberus
#2538 opened by hamedkhosrawi - 2
Error in create environment
#2536 opened by cencio91 - 0
Missing Selenium IDE Commands
#2537 opened by cencio91 - 0
Found a bug
#2535 opened by vertigo17 - 0
minor BUG: Cannot disable the default Robot
#2534 opened by cencio91 - 0
- 1
Error while creating new environment on applications page
#2530 opened by j0hnsa - 0
[feature suggestion] API testing - compare JSON
#2528 opened by LouisPnq - 7
- 2
Improvement - Campaign Report Collapsed by default when loading a campaign
#2523 opened by ittaLaRedoute - 1
- 1
json and xml diff support
#2527 opened by vertigo17 - 0
[Improvement] JSON Schema registry for Kafka
#2519 opened by Michael-Eqiom - 1
[LR] APP robot capabilities on JSON file
#2520 opened by ittaLaRedoute - 0
- 3
[Improvement] Add verifications on PDF
#2507 opened by glassalle59 - 0
Screenshot improvements on Test Execution
#2522 opened by ittaLaRedoute - 2
[Improvement] Add a property to have the number of rows in a data librairy
#2516 opened by Michael-Eqiom - 0
HOMEPAGE CERBERUS - Filters System not applied on Test cases & Test Case execution & applications KPI
#2517 opened by ittaLaRedoute - 0
Homepage cerberus : last execution campaign - Improve the botton "Personnaliser"
#2518 opened by ittaLaRedoute - 0
- 2
ERROR - java.lang.NullPointerException - with Selenium
#2515 opened by Tyroonis - 0
[bug] Typo on the details of Execution Campaign
#2514 opened by dominikmeller - 3
ERROR - Request Entity Too Large
#2513 opened by Kevin-Sinapayen - 2
SaaS Cerberus access KO
#2511 opened by Kevin-Sinapayen - 2
Robot froze
#2510 opened by Kevin-Sinapayen - 1
Campain label rule management
#2503 opened by mflorid - 4
Robot froze
#2505 opened by Kevin-Sinapayen - 3
Set variable of the browser
#2504 opened by Kevin-Sinapayen