- 1
Problem using ceylon.interop.browser
#677 opened by tombentley - 1
JsonPackage is not setting refinedDeclaration for members of top-level objects
#676 opened by jvasileff - 0
proper support for npm
#675 opened by gavinking - 0
Warning on doclink to parameter
#668 opened by lucaswerkmeister - 3
support direct invocations on grouped expressions
#659 opened by jvasileff - 2
there is no -0 in Ceylon
#669 opened by gavinking - 0
divide by zero is zero
#673 opened by jvasileff - 6
divide by undefined is zero
#674 opened by jvasileff - 0
cannot read outer.outer member
#665 opened by jvasileff - 0
type aliases and flatten
#663 opened by gavinking - 0
Using Aliases with metamodel
#671 opened by chochos - 0
NPE in JS backend
#670 opened by gavinking - 7
type problems using FunctionDeclaration.invoke()
#666 opened by dseebacher - 0
Higher Order Generics: Runtime "Type Error: cannot read property ... of underfined" on type function invocation
#667 opened by lukedegruchy - 0
- 4
bloat in ceylon.language-1.2.0.js
#662 opened by gavinking - 18
- 1
- 15
- 3
- 2
- 6
incorrect result with flatten, spread
#649 opened by jvasileff - 4
default member class implementations for natives neither disallowed nor supported
#653 opened by jvasileff - 4
bad arguments for "overloaded" Callable
#651 opened by jvasileff - 5
- 2
- 1
- 1
type parameter not captured in inner class
#654 opened by jvasileff - 1
evaluating value constructor amazingly slow
#650 opened by gavinking - 1
Field used as constructor default value
#648 opened by sgalles - 6
runtime error on "trybeta" example
#645 opened by jvasileff - 5
spread w/variadic doesn't work
#642 opened by jvasileff - 5
SDK test fails on JS
#647 opened by FroMage - 12
dupe errors calling Java declaration from JS
#637 opened by gavinking - 7
- 6
Dynamically type-casted variables cannot be used to build streams with map()
#635 opened by renatoathaydes - 4
can't suppressWarnings("deprecation") on types
#641 opened by jvasileff - 9
Can't test SDK
#644 opened by FroMage - 4
- 2
- 0
Cannot use spread operator to invoke member class
#638 opened by jvasileff - 4
no error when I satisfy a Java interface in the IDE
#630 opened by gavinking - 1
js tests failing
#636 opened by gavinking - 7
iterable weirdness
#634 opened by jvasileff - 6
Collect stack trace with Error.stack
#632 opened by lucaswerkmeister - 3
runtime error in web IDE
#633 opened by gavinking - 1
Runtime error with abbreviated Tuple syntax
#631 opened by jvasileff - 1
Exception when trying to print a dynamic value
#629 opened by bjansen - 0
ReferenceErrors with nested interface example
#628 opened by jvasileff - 1
Error taking reference to identity function
#627 opened by jvasileff