
A camera control for three.js, similar to THREE.OrbitControls yet supports smooth transitions and es6 import.

Latest NPM release


camera move user input
Orbit rotation left mouse drag / touch: one-finger move
Dolly (Zoom) middle mouse drag, or mousewheel / touch: two-finger pinch-in or out
Truck (Pan) right mouse drag / touch: two-finger move or three-finger move


import * as THREE from 'three';
import CameraControls from 'camera-controls';

CameraControls.install( { THREE: THREE } );

// snip ( init three scene... )
const clock = new THREE.Clock();
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 60, width / height, 0.01, 100 );
const cameraControls = new CameraControls( camera, renderer.domElement );

( function anim () {

	// snip
	const delta = clock.getDelta();
	const hasControlsUpdated = cameraControls.update( delta );

	requestAnimationFrame( anim );

	// you can skip this condition to render though
	if ( hasControlsUpdated ) {

		renderer.render( scene, camera );

} )();


CameraControls( camera, domElement, options )

  • camera is a three.js perspective camera to be controlled.
  • domElement is a HTML element for draggable area.
  • options in Object.
    • ignoreDOMEventListeners: Default is false. if true, Mouse and touch event listeners will be ignored, and you can attach your handlers instead.


CameraControls uses Spherical Coordinates for orbit rotations. theta for azimuthal and phi for polar angle.

If your camera is Y-up, theta will be the angle for y-axis rotation and phi will be the angle for vertiacal position. (So far, CameraControls supports only Y-up though)


  • .enabled: Default is true. Whether or not the controls are enabled.
  • .minDistance: Default is 0. Minimum distance for dolly.
  • .maxDistance: Default is Infinity. Maximum distance for dolly.
  • .minPolarAngle: Default is 0, in radians.
  • .maxPolarAngle: Default is Math.PI, in radians.
  • .minAzimuthAngle: Default is -Infinity, in radians.
  • .maxAzimuthAngle: Default is Infinity, in radians.
  • .dampingFactor: Default is 0.05.
  • .draggingDampingFactor: Default is 0.25.
  • .phiSpeed: Default is 1.0. speed of phi rotation.
  • .thetaSpeed: Default is 1.0. speed of theta rotation.
  • .dollySpeed: Default is 1.0. speed of mouse-wheel dollying.
  • .truckSpeed: Default is 2.0. speed of drag for truck and pedestal.
  • .verticalDragToForward: Default is false. The same as .screenSpacePanning in three.js's OrbitControls.
  • .dollyToCursor: Default is false. true to enable Dolly-in to the mouse cursor coords.


CameraControls instance emits the following events. To subscribe, use cameraControl.addEventListener( 'eventname', function ).

event name timing
'controlstart' When the user starts to control the camera via mouse / touches.
'control' When the user controls the camera (dragging).
'controlend' When the user ends to control the camera.
'update' When camera position is updated.


rotate( azimuthAngle, polarAngle, enableTransition )

Rotate azimuthal angle(theta) and polar angle(phi). azimuthAngle and polarAngle are in radian. enableTransition is in a boolean.

rotateTo( azimuthAngle, polarAngle, enableTransition )

Rotate azimuthal angle(theta) and polar angle(phi) to a given point.

dolly( distance, enableTransition )

Dolly in/out camera position. distance is in a number. enableTransition is in a boolean

dollyTo( distance, enableTransition )

Dolly in/out camera position to given distance.

truck( x, y, enableTransition )

Truck and pedestal camera using current azimuthal angle.

moveTo( x, y, z, enableTransition )

Move target position to given point.

forward( distance, enableTransition )

Move forward / backward.

fitTo( meshOrBox3, enableTransition, { paddingTop?: number = 0, paddingLeft?: number = 0, paddingBottom?: number = 0, paddingRight?: number = 0 } )

Fit the viewport to the object bounding box or the bounding box itself. paddings are in unit.

setLookAt( positionX, positionY, positionZ, targetX, targetY, targetZ, enableTransition )

It moves the camera into position, and also make it look at target.

lerpLookAt( positionAX, positionAY, positionAZ, targetAX, targetAY, targetAZ, positionBX, positionBY, positionBZ, targetBX, targetBY, targetBZ, x, enableTransition )

Similar to setLookAt, but it interpolates between two states.

setPosition( positionX, positionY, positionZ, enableTransition )

setLookAt without target, keep gazing at the current target.

setTarget( targetX, targetY, targetZ, enableTransition )

setLookAt without position, Stay still at the position.

getPosition( out )

Return its current position. out is in THREE.Vector3.

getTarget( out )

Return its current gazing target. out is in THREE.Vector3.


Set current camera position as the default position

reset( enableTransition )

Reset all rotation and position to default.

update( delta )

Update camera position and directions. This should be called in your tick loop and returns true if re-rendering is needed. delta is delta time between previous update call.


Get all state in JSON string

fromJSON( json, enableTransition )

Reproduce the control state with JSON. enableTransition is where anim or not in a boolean.


Dispose the cameraControls instance itself, remove all eventListeners.