
Code and resources related to AAI in a Django context

Primary LanguagePython


Development panel that aims to bring AAI technologies to Django context. It started from a SAML2 IDP and a SP implementation built on pysaml2, this project show also OIDC/oAuth2 and related AAI examples.

In this repository ther are quite tested Applications and also general purpose Code and python Resources related to AAI deployment.

Bootstrap code examples

Each one for targeted projects, they will be migrated to related project Readme files in the future. These are workng examples of an IDP and a SP made with Django.

SAML2 Applications used:

A better SAML2 IdP can be found here:

OIDC Applications built on top of jwtconnect.io stack:


OIDC development notes

would it be better to implement a middleware for token renew?

Run SP and IDP in HTTPs

See Installation examples - README.md - in sp and idp folders.

pip install gunicorn

# example for sp is
gunicorn -b0.0.0.0:11000 djangosaml2_sp.wsgi:application --keyfile=./certificates/private.key --certfile=./certificates/public.cert

# or using uwsgi
uwsgi --wsgi-file djangosaml2_sp.wsgi  --https,./pki/frontend.cert,./pki/frontend.key --callable application --honour-stdin

djangosaml2 SP with Shibboleth as IDP

Also tested with a Shibboleth IDPv3.3.2 produced with the help of this playbook:

The example file is in djangosaml2_sp/sp_pysaml2_shibidp.py.