
Cannot run Makefit.R

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I am trying to run your snakemake,but I am doing it not from the very start as I already completed my mappins etc. At the moment, I am trying to fit my RNAseq Rcounts and therefore, I am trying to run Makefit.R.
My command line is:
Rscript MakeFit.R merged_RNASEQ_ncount.RData NULL fit_Rnaseq.RData '1:40' "24:25,25:26,23:24" 'simple'

However, I keep having an error of:

Error in `[.data.frame`(ncount, , fit.inter[1]) : 
  undefined columns selected
Calls: MakeFit -> paste0 -> [ -> [.data.frame
Execution halted

I looked for it, and saw that in similar issues the solution was to realize that there is a comma missing.
If I only provide "24:25" in commandline, instead of "24:25,25:26,23:24", it was running without errors for ~18 hours' and then it was stopped with the error of:

Error in IRLS(lp, control) :
  Number of iterations exceeded maximum MXITER = 400
Calls: MakeFit -> glm4 -> fitGlm4 -> IRLS
Execution halted

I would appreciate your help. Thank you!

cgob commented
cgob commented

Did you solve your issue?


I am trying to run your snakemake command/pipeline with your samples. And hit this R error at the Makefit step showing below:
Error in validObject(.Object) :
invalid class “dsparseModelMatrix” object: superclass "Mnumeric" not defined in the environment of the object's class
Calls: MakeFit ... initialize -> callNextMethod -> .nextMethod -> validObject
Execution halted

Any help on this issue?

cgob commented

Dear Qiuying,

Sorry for the late reply. Did you solve your issue ? Were you able to run the pipeline on your data successfully?

