
Docker image with OpenAI Gym, Baselines, MuJoCo and Roboschool, utilizing TensorFlow and JupyterLab.

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deep-rl-docker 🐳 🤖

Docker image with OpenAI Gym, Baselines, MuJoCo and Roboschool, utilizing TensorFlow and JupyterLab.



MoJoCo 1.50 and 1.31 will be installed under .mujoco in the container's home directory. Provide your MuJoCo key file (mjkey.txt) in the directory internal so that it can be placed at the required locations of the MuJoCo installations. At the moment, only institutional licenses are supported.

Dependent on the device version (CPU-only or NVIDIA GPU support), build the container as follows:

./build.sh [cpu|gpu]

If no first argument for device type is provided the CPU version will be installed.

When using the GPU version, make sure the NVIDIA requirements to run TensorFlow with GPU support are satisfied. It helps to follow NVIDIA's cuDNN installation guide.


Execute run.sh or run_gpu.sh. This will run the container in foreground mode, i.e. its console becomes attached to the process’s standard input, output, and standard error.

All RL-related dependencies (Roboschool, Gym, etc.) are available from within the python3 environment.

Jupyter Lab will be published on port 8888. If you run TensorBoard it will be accessible on port 6006. Ports are tunneled through to your host system and can be reconfigured in run.sh or run_gpu.sh.

The container will define a user ($USER) named wal which has its home folder under /home/wal on the host system via a shared volume. This user has the same user identifier (UID) as the host system's user running the container to ensure file permissions are set up correctly in the shared volumes.

Running deep-rl-docker on OSX with visualizations

Currently we do not have a solution to run the deep-rl-docker on OSX with visualizations in roboschool due to OpenGL problems. A workaround using Oracle VirtualBox that works with Virtual Machines (VMs) is listed below:

  1. Download and install VirtualBox
  2. In VirtualBox, create a VM for Linux, Ubuntu (64-bit) with the following settings:
    • Memory size: 5 GB+
    • Hard drive: Create a virtual hard disk, check VDI, check Fixed size, assign 20 GB+
    • Select your new VM in VirtualBox, and press the Settings icon
    • Under Display: Video Memory: maximum (128 MB), check Enable 3D Acceleration,
  3. Download Ubuntu and install it in the virtual machine you created in the previous step.
  4. Follow this guide to install VirtualBox Guest Additions for Linux.
  5. Execute the following command to install CompizConfig Settings Manager:
sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager
  1. Launch CompizConfig, click on OpenGL, put Texture Filter: Fast, uncheck Framebuffer object
  2. Reboot your machine, and execute run.sh or run_gpu.sh.

Running the image natively might cause the Docker disk image to grow indefinitely, a known bug in Docker to which a workaround exists here.

Save changes

Commit changes made to the container (e.g. installations, file changes inside the container and not a shared volume) via

docker commit $CONTAINER

Where $CONTAINER is the ID of the docker container. Issue docker ps to see all installed containers and their ID's.


Start and reattach an existing docker container via

docker start  $CONTAINER
docker attach $CONTAINER

Where $CONTAINER is the ID of the docker container. Issue docker ps to see all installed containers and their ID's.


Here are some cool demos to run:


[vglrun] python3 $ROBOSCHOOL_PATH/agent_zoo/demo_race1.py
[vglrun] python3 $ROBOSCHOOL_PATH/agent_zoo/demo_keyboard_humanoid1.py

VirtualGL (vglrun) is required to support hardware-accelerated rendering if the NVIDIA drivers are not set up. This command should be omitted when running the NVIDIA GPU version of this container.


Make sure the OpenGL libraries from your host system are available in /external_libs, as configured when running the container via run_gpu.sh.

cd ~/.mujoco/mjpro150/bin
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:/external_libs/ ./simulate ../model/humanoid.xml

OpenAI Gym (from the OpenAI blog post on DQN)

# Train model and save the results to cartpole_model.pkl
python3 -m baselines.deepq.experiments.train_cartpole
# Load the model saved in cartpole_model.pkl and visualize the learned policy
python3 -m baselines.deepq.experiments.enjoy_cartpole


  • Fix Roboschool, Baselines dependency to specific GitHub-commit(?), retry full install on OSX/improve