
Paints chromosomes of microsporidian genomes with BUSCOs.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Paints chromosomes of microsporidian genomes with BUSCOs.


conda env create -n buscopaint python=3.9 
conda activate buscopaint
conda install samtools 
conda install -c conda-forge r-base
conda install -c r r-tidyverse
conda install -c bioconda r-optparse

Running the scripts

  1. Assign each BUSCO to a chromosome buscopainter.py takes the full_table.tsv output file for a two assemblies (e.g. spp1 and spp2 OR primary and alternate assembly), along with an optional prefix (specified with -p, default "buscopainter"), e.g.:
# Assign each complete and duplicated BUSCO to a chr and state if it belongs to the dominant group of BUSCOs per chr ('self') or not
python3 buscopainter.py -r test_data/assembly1_full_table.tsv -q test_data/assembly2_full_table.tsv

It will write two TSV files:

  • [PREFIX]_complete_summary.tsv which contains a summary of the chromosomal assignments
  • [PREFIX]_complete_location.tsv which contains the location and status of all shared complete BUSCOs. This file can be plotted using plot_locations.R
  • [PREFIX]_duplicated_location.tsv which contains the location and status of all duplicated BUSCOs. This file can be plotted using plot_locations.R
  1. Plotting The [PREFIX]_location.tsv can be done as follows:
# Basic plotting - plot position of each BUSCO along each chr. Colour BUSCO by chr identity. Each chr is a box of fixed size
Rscript plot_locations.R buscopainter_location.tsv
# Plot all BUSCOs along chr but only colour BUSCOs that do not belong to the dominant chr.
Rscript plot_locations_onlydiff.R -f buscopainter_location.tsv 
# Plot all BUSCOs along chr but only colour BUSCOs that do not belong to the dominant chr. Draw chr proportional to actual size. 
Rscript plot_locations_onlydiff_scaled.R -f buscopainter_location.tsv -c fasta.fai -t plot_title

NB: fasta.fai generated via samtools faidx fasta.

Example output for plot_locations_onlydiff_scaled.R: