- 1
Path problem
#11 opened by wanchenyang-111 - 1
SUN RGB-D Data Preparation
#2 opened by Divadi - 3
how to test the models
#10 opened by MandyDongrs - 6
- 2
- 1
ImportError: /workspaces/BRNet/mmdet3d/ops/ball_query/ undefined symbol: _ZN6caffe28TypeMeta21_typeMetaDataInstanceIN3c107complexINS2_4HalfEEEEEPKNS_6detail12TypeMetaDataEv
#9 opened by fathyshalaby - 2
ImportError: cannot import name 'build'
#8 opened by Enerald - 1
Dear Bowen,I meet a problem in runing this code.TypeError: BRNet: CAVoteHead: cfg must be a dict, but got <class 'NoneType'> My mmdet3D version is v0.15.0.
#6 opened by xiyuchenji - 3
Collaboration with MMDetection3D
#4 opened by Tai-Wang - 12
About show_result_meshlab ?
#3 opened by xinghuokang - 2