
The ChatBot code creates a dialogue where users can ask questions about some aspects of memory management in C++.

Primary LanguageC++

Project: Memory Management Chatbot

The ChatBot code creates a dialogue where users can ask questions about some aspects of memory management in C++. After the knowledge base of the chatbot has been loaded from a text file, a knowledge graph representation is created in computer memory, where chatbot answers represent the graph nodes and user queries represent the graph edges. After a user query has been sent to the chatbot, the Levenshtein distance is used to identify the most probable answer. The code is fully functional as-is and uses raw pointers to represent the knowledge graph and interconnections between objects throughout the project.

In this project you will analyze and modify the program. Although the program can be executed and works as intended, no advanced concepts as discussed in this course have been used; there are currently no smart pointers, no move semantics and not much thought has been given to ownership or memory allocation.

Dependencies for Running Locally

Basic Build Instructions

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Make a build directory in the top level directory: mkdir build && cd build
  3. Compile: cmake .. && make
  4. Run it: ./membot.

In file chatlogic.cpp, create a local ChatBot instance on the stack at the bottom of function LoadAnswerGraphFromFile. Then, use move semantics to pass the ChatBot instance into the root node. Make sure that ChatLogic has no ownership relation to the ChatBot instance and thus is no longer responsible for memory allocation and deallocation. Note that the member _chatBot remains so it can be used as a communication handle between GUI and ChatBot instance. Make all required changes in files chatlogic.h / chatlogic.cpp and graphnode.h / graphnode.cpp. When the program is executed, messages on which part of the Rule of Five components of ChatBot is called should be printed to the console. When sending a query to the ChatBot, the output should look like the following:

ChatBot Constructor
ChatBot Move Constructor
ChatBot Move Assignment Operator
ChatBot Destructor
ChatBot Destructor