
:page_facing_up: A curated list of awesome Angular 2 and Angular 4 resources by @AngularClass

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Awesome Angular 2

Awesome Angular Awesome Build Status

Awesome list of Angular 2 and Angular 4 seed repos, starters, boilerplates, examples, tutorials, components, modules, videos, and anything else in the Angular 2 ecosystem. View as github page.

Current Angular 2 version:

npm version

Current Browser support for Angular 2:

Sauce Test Status

Angular 2 Fundamentals

Table of contents:


Angular is a development platform for building mobile and desktop web applications.

Official Resources


Angular Team on twitter

Experts on Twitter

List of Angular experts you should follow on Twitter (in no particular order). This list is by no means complete.

#####Google Developer Experts

Server-Side Rendering

Material Design

  • Official Angular 2 Material Design (GitHub)
  • md2 Angular2 based Material Design components, directives and services are Accordion, Autocomplete, Collapse, Colorpicker, Datepicker, Dialog(Modal), Menu, Multiselect, Select, Switch, Tabs, Tags(Chips), Toast and Tooltip.
  • ng2-material set of material2 examples and extra components (data table, dialog, ...) built on top of @angular2-material/core
  • angular2-mdl Angular 2 components, directives and styles based on Material Design Lite
  • mdl-ext Material Design Lite Ext (carusel, grid, lightbox, selectfield, sticky header, ...)
  • ng2-materialize An Angular 2 wrap around Materialize library




Directives allow you to attach behavior to elements in the DOM.
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A component is a directive which uses shadow DOM to create encapsulate visual behavior. Components are typically used to create UI widgets or to break up the application into smaller components.
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A View is a core primitive used by angular to render the DOM tree.
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Templates are markup which is added to HTML to declaratively describe how the application model should be projected to DOM as well as which DOM events should invoke which methods on the controller.
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Change detection

Every component gets a change detector responsible for checking the bindings defined in its template.
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Dependency Injection

Angular 1.x has two APIs for injecting dependencies into a directive. Angular 2 unifies the two APIs, making the code easier to understand and test.
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Pipes can be appended on the end of the expressions to translate the value to a different format.
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Web Workers

WebWorker support in Angular2 is designed to make it easy to leverage parallelization in your web application. When you choose to run your application in a WebWorker angular runs both your application's logic and the majority of the core angular framework in a WebWorker.
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Http is available as an injectable class, with methods to perform http requests. Calling request returns an EventEmitter which will emit a single Response when a response is received.

Ahead-of-Time Compilation

Angular CLI



Video Tutorials

Style Guides

Angular Connect


On-Site Training

Approach and Explanation



  • Material 2 - Angular team's Material Design components built on top of Angular 2
  • Axponents: of Accessible Web Components (Dylan Barrell)
  • ng2-bootstrap Native Angular2 Bootstrap 3&4 components
  • ng2-charts Beautiful charts for Angular2 based on Chart.js
  • ng2-dragula Drag and Drop so simple it hurts!
  • ng2-file-upload Easy to use file upload directives
  • ng2-handsontable Excel-like data grid / spreadsheet
  • ng2-select Angular2 based replacement for select boxes
  • ng2-safe-img Very tiny and safe img for Angular 2
  • ng2-table Simple table extension with sorting, filtering, paging... for Angular2 apps
  • ng2-smart-table Smart data table library with sorting, filtering, pagination & add/edit/delete functions.
  • ng2-bs Experiments with Angular 2 directives for Bootstrap.
  • ng-lightning Native Angular 2 components & directives for Lightning Design System
  • ag-grid Advanced Datagrid for Pure Javascript / AngularJS 1.x / AngularJS 2 / Web Components
  • angular2-grid A drag/drop/resize grid-based plugin directive for angular2.
  • angular2-jwt Library for sending authenticated HTTP requests and decoding JWTs
  • angular2-cookie Library that implements Angular 1.x $cookies service in Angular 2
  • angular2-fontawesome Angular2 Components and Directives for Fontawesome
  • angular-safeguard Wrapper around cookies/sessionStorage/localStorage for angular2. If all are unavailable will use an in memory storage.
  • angular2-google-maps Angular2 directives for Google Maps
  • ng2-radio-group Angular2 directives for radio and checkbox inputs and radio input groups
  • ng2-dropdown Dropdown menu for angular2 and bootstrap 3
  • ng2-progress-bar Simple progress bar for angular2 and bootstrap 3
  • ng2-tabs Tabs control for angular2 and bootstrap 3
  • ng2-modal Modal window for angular2 and bootstrap 3
  • ng2-paginator Pagination control for angular2 and bootstrap 3
  • fuel-ui Bootstrap 4 components and directives for use in Angular 2
  • prime-ng Collection of rich UI components for Angular 2
  • ng2-ace Ace editor directive made for Angular 2
  • ng2-storage A localStorage and sessionStorage wrapper written using ES6 Proxies for Angular 2
  • ng2-fontawesome A small directive making font awesome even easier to use.
  • ng2-sweetalert2 A wrapper for sweetalert2 for use with Angular 2.
  • angular2-text-mask Angular 2 input mask directive
  • ng2-fullpage Fullpage scrolling for Angular2 based on fullPage.js
  • file-droppa Simple files drop and upload component with files list
  • ng2-img-fallback Load placeholder image on image error
  • angular2-busy Show busy/loading indicators on any promise, or on any Observable's subscription
  • ng2-pdf-viewer PDF viewer component
  • Covalent - a UI platform built on Angular 2.0 + Material Design
  • angular2-infinite-scroll - An Infinite Scroll Directive for Angular2 (based on Observables)
  • ng2-card - Card view component for Angular2
  • Wijmo 5 - Set of UI components for Angular2
  • ng2-swipeable-card - Swipeable card component for Angular2
  • ng2-date-picker - Highly configurable date picker built for Angular 2 applications
  • ngSemantic - UI components based on Semantic UI
  • vmware clarity - Mostly a CSS only framework but some components are ported to Angular 2
  • Teradata covalent - UI Platform built on @angular/material 2.0
  • ng2-quill-editor - Quill editor component for Angular2
  • ngx-charts - Declarative Charting Framework for Angular2 and beyond!
  • ngx-datatable A feature-rich yet lightweight data-table crafted for Angular2 and beyond!
  • ngx-ui - Style and Component Library for Angular2 and beyond!
  • Cloudinary - Angular2 SDK for image and video management in the cloud
  • angular2-simple-countdown - a simple countdown angular2 directive with multiple language
  • ng-http-cache - Speed up your remote requests by automatically caching them on client.


  • fuel-ui OrderBy and Range pipes ported from Angular 1.x to Angular 2
  • ng2-filter-pipe Pipe for filtering arrays
  • ngx-pipes Bunch of useful pipes for Angular2 and beyond!
  • ng2-order-pipe OrderBy pipe for Angular2 - sort collection by a field
  • angular2-camelcase Angular2 pipe to convert camelCase strings to human readable strings Edit


Documentation tools

  • Compodoc : "The missing documentation tool for your Angular 2 application", integrate well with npm scripts

  • AngularDoc : Website that display "Architectural analysis and visualization for Angular 2 projects", integrate only with a github repository

  • NgModule-Viz : Visualize the dependencies between the NgModules in your Angular 2+ application.


Universal Angular 2

Universal (isomorphic) javascript support for Angular 2

Universal General Resources

Universal Seed Projects

Angular 2 in TypeScript

TypeScript lets you write JavaScript the way you really want to. TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.

TypeScript General Resources

TypeScript Seed Projects

Ionic 2 in Angular 2

Ionic is the beautiful, open source front-end SDK for developing hybrid mobile apps with web technologies.

Ionic 2 General Resources

Angular 2 in Cordova

Apache Cordova is a popular mobile application development framework using CSS3, HTML5, and JavaScript instead of relying on platform-specific APIs.

Cordova Seed Projects

Angular 2 in Dart

Dart is an open-source, scalable programming language, with robust libraries and runtimes, for building web, server, and mobile apps.

Dart General Resources

  • Dart Official Website for Dart
  • Dartpad Dartpad lets play with Dart on-line, in a zero-install, zero configuration environment.
  • Dart Organization (GitHub) Official GitHub Organization for Dart
  • Pub Repository of packages of software for the Dart programming language.
  • Dartisans The Official Dart Google+ community
  • Dart Slack Channel The Official Dart Slack channel.

Dart Seed Projects

Dart Demo, Samples, and Examples

Angular 2 in Traceur

Traceur is a JavaScript.next-to-JavaScript-of-today compiler

Traceur General Resources

Traceur Seed Projects

Angular 2 in Babel

The compiler for writing next generation JavaScript.

Babel General Resources

Babel Angular 2 Online Playground

Babel Seed Projects

Babel Demo, Samples, and Examples

Babel Plugins

Angular 2 in ES5

An ECMAScript language that includes structured, dynamic, functional, and prototype-based features.

ES5 General Resources

ES5 Seed Projects

angular2-es5-starter-kit Angular2 ES5 Starter Kit

Meteor in Angular 2

Build Realtime Web and Mobile Apps With Angular and Meteor

Meteor General Resources

Meteor Seed Projects

Angular 2 in NativeScript

Build truly native iOS, Android and Windows Phone apps with Javascript and CSS. Try NativeScript open-source framework for cross-platform development.

NativeScript General Resources

NativeScript Seed Projects

Angular 2 in React Native

React Native enables you to build world-class application experiences on native platforms using a consistent developer experience based on JavaScript

React Native General Resources

React Native Projects

React Native Seed Projects

Angular 2 in Haxe

Haxe is an open source toolkit based on a modern, high level, strictly typed programming language, a cross-compiler, a complete cross-platform standard library and ways to access each platform's native capabilities. General purpose language, with Haxe, you can easily build cross-platform tools targeting all the mainstream platforms natively. "Write once compile anywhere", with strong easily extendable macro system and powerfull, highly optimizing compiler with DCE (and f.e. using inline constructors). Can be used for server side rendering and in isomorphic way - possible to share the same source code compiling into client side in javascript and server side in pyhton (or java/php/node - can be choosen later/changed at scaling). Haxe code can contain (inline) any target language fragments (can be used to step by step porting), the externs mechanism provides access to the native APIs and libraries in a type-safe manner. Server, client, mobile (Android and iOS at once), desktop, embedded (Raspbery, award winning TIVO set top boxes), Playstation ... all can be reached natively with much less typing, more error-proof, more stable and compile-time type checked code even for non type-safe targets (f.e. JavaScript, PHP)!

Haxe General Resources

Haxe Seed Projects

Angular 2 in Scala

General purpose language; multiparadigm (object-oriented, functional, concurrent elements); statically typed, type-safe; focus: Web services.

Scala General Resources

Scala Seed Projects


