- akastrinUniversity of Ljubljana
- baishengjunNanjing Medical University
- codechenxLeibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology : Hans Knöll Institute
- Cognet-74
- cshukaiUniversity of Missouri
- dxyzx0Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
- elopezphy
- huangyc0618
- kristinlindquist@biosymbolics
- kumarivinDePaul University
- laurendelong21University of Edinburgh School of Informatics
- liuhai07
- luozhhubChina Hubei
- petersenjoern
- qoffeeInsilico Medicine
- remerjohnsonAbbVie
- ruiantunesAveiro, Portugal
- Shengqian95HZAU
- shimw6828
- shiva1387Singapore
- SinuoWangAustralian Institute for Machine Learning
- spikerror
- syan1992
- xephtarTrendyol
- zhangy2361