
Working through Android Design from codepath.org

My progress in Android Design 📱

Week 0

My Hello World Application

Description: This app changes the text color on the screen.

Code can be found in the week0 branch of this repository.

App Walk-though

Required Features

  • 1. User sees custom text in a label - Hello from Cheryl!
  • 2. User see's custom background color.
  • 3. User can tap a button to change the text color of the label.

Optional Features

  • 1. User can tap a button to change the color of the background view.
  • 2. User can tap a button to change the text string of the label - Android is Awesome!
  • 3. User can tap on the background view to reset all views to default settings.
  • 4. User can update the label text with custom text entered into the text field.
    • a. User can enter text into a text field using the keyboard.
    • b. User can tap the "Change text string" button to update the label with the text from the text field.
    • c. If the text field is empty, update label with default text string.

Week 1

A group collective work where we brainedstormed for app ideas. See my contribution to this repository.

Week 2

My flashCard app. This app simulates a flashcard by hiding and showing answers.

Week 3

Wasp 1435 is an app that group 27 has decided to make based on week 1's brainstorming.

It merges cyber-security related topics into a game, which results as a capture the flag (CTF) like puzzle game app. This app will consist of weekly/monthly cyber-security related puzzles that will allow winners of a puzzle to meet each other and receive tangible prizes. Tangible prizes will depend on the difficulty of the puzzles and each stage will have a virtual reward to encourage progress. This app overall aims at spreading the knowledge of cyber-security through a fun interactive way and to encourage beginners to join as well. Inspired by Cicada 3301 story.

See my contribution to this repository.

Week 4

Improved on my flashcard app. Now allows users to create and edit cards, see progress updates.

Week 5

Added the spec details of Wasp 1435, see my contributions to this portion. In addition to creating the app wireframe (prototype UI/UX) using Figma.

Week 6

Improved flashcard app functionality. Now allows users to store created cards and see cards they've created, see progress updates.

Week 7

The wireframes for the app Wasp 1435 is near completion with core features prototyped. See my contributions to this group effort.

Week 8

Added graphical details to the app. The app now has a customized launcher icon. Additionally, different interactions with the app displays different animations. See progress updates and quick app demo.

Week 9 & 10

Made a video, slidedeck and app prototype for Wasp 1435