hdl_global_localization requires the following libraries:
- OpenCV
- OpenMP
- Teaser++ [optional]
- /hdl_global_localization/set_engine (hdl_global_localization::SetGlobalLocalizationEngine)
- Available global localization engines: BBS, FPFH_RANSAC, FPFH_TEASER
- /hdl_global_localization/set_global_map (hdl_global_localization::SetGlobalMap)
- /hdl_global_localization/query (hdl_global_localization::QueryGlobalLocalization)
- 2D Grid Map-based Branch-and-Bound Search
- Real-time loop closure in 2D LIDAR SLAM, ICRA, 2016
- FPFH + RANSAC (based on pcl::SampleConsensusPrerejective)
- Fast Point Feature Histograms (FPFH) for 3D registration, ICRA, 2009
- Pose Estimation using Local Structure-Specific Shape and Appearance Context, ICRA, 2013
- FPFH + Teaser++
- TEASER: Fast and Certifiable Point Cloud Registration, T-RO, 2020
Kenji Koide, k.koide@aist.go.jp
Human-Centered Mobility Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan