
Package naming

Opened this issue · 1 comments

There will be two projects: rocket and diplomatic, rocket will depend on chisel3, tilelink projects, diplomatic is the source code originally pulled from rocket-chip, and it will depend on rocket-chip for using diplomacy and cde.

I think diplomatic will be a confusing name, since org.chipsalliance.diplomacy will likely exist as well.
Can we do org.chipsalliance.rocket and org.chipsalliance.rockettile

The diplomatic is an ephemeral compile unit which means it is depending on the rocket-chip. Package name inside it is still rocket and rockettile.

We are gradually pulling all source codes from diplomatic to rocket compile unit like what #2 did to remove the dependency from rocket-chip. After finish it, the diplomatic is non existent at all, and the rocket core can be the submodule to rocket-chip or have a standalone published version. In rocket-chip, there will be a shim to convert CDE/diplomacy configuration to the case class based configurations.

So IMO, the name of the diplomatic compile unit is whatever, since it will eventually go away in this project.