Intelligent Quads is a community dedicated to helping people learn how to become developers of intelligent drone applications.
Each of the below tutorials has an associated video tutorial. Be sure to checkout the Intelligent Quads Youtube Channel!
Come be a part of the growing community of drone application developers! Join the the conversation in our discord.
Donations are not required or expected for use. All work is licensed on the MIT license. That being said, if you find value in my work consider donating to help me create more content.
Installing Ardupilot and MAVProxy [18.04]
Installing Ardupilot and MAVProxy [20.04]
Installing Gazebo and ArduPilot Plugin [18.04-20.04]
Installing ROS and MAVROS [18.04]
Installing ROS and MAVROS [20.04]
Introduction to ROS and ROS Tools for Drone Development
C++ Waypoint Navigation Using the GNC API
ArduCopter Params and MAVproxy Commands
Intoduction to YOLO Image Recognition
Writing our First ROS Subscriber for YOLO
Simple Search and Rescue Program
Adding a Sensor to a Gazebo Robot
Installing Mission Planner On Linux
Using an RC Controller with MAVproxy
Drone Swarms with Ardupilot+MAVROS
Design Principals - Work In Progress
- Repo containing helpful gazebo worlds designed for ardupilot sitl
- Repo containing iq gnc function which are helpful for designing guidance programs for drones. The repo also contains a variety of example mission programs.
Common Linux, ROS and MAVproxy Commands
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