- 6
- 2
Seed required for predict.flexsurvreg?
#197 opened by jalavery - 3
standsurv fails with bootstrap=T and cl=0.99
#195 opened by helmingstay - 12
Question: Interpretation when marginal all-cause survival appears to deviate from observed survival
#193 opened by connor-ballinger - 2
rmst predictions with orthogonalised spline basis
#194 opened by irtimmins - 3
simulate.flexsurvreg appears to simulate survival times before left-truncation (start) times
#192 opened by mikesweeting - 4
- 1
- 1
- 1
adding time-dependent covariate in flexsurvspline
#182 opened by quanhomie - 1
coefficients in opposite signs compared to survreg
#184 opened by abduazizR - 0
Hessian control `tol.evalue` ignored
#189 opened by stephematician - 6
Repeated measures for time-dependent covariates
#176 opened by mengyi-git - 0
- 3
Random effects/frailty models?
#185 opened by casasgomezuribarri - 4
Seemingly undefined parameters via flexsurvreg?
#183 opened by cbr13032024 - 0
- 2
- 3
Issue with covariate on scale parameter of Weibull ATF for weibull distribution
#175 opened by sbihorel - 8
Ordering of time output in standsurv
#177 opened by irtimmins - 4
flexsurvreg ignores factors' contrast matrices?
#178 opened by anddis - 22
Interval Censored Data
#173 opened by zou-ims - 2
- 1
Analytic second derivatives
#170 opened by chjackson - 2
bhazard option
#172 opened by zou-ims - 2
Inverse probability weighting
#171 opened by aghaynes - 3
Custom distributions using ActuDistns
#136 opened by RossHamil - 8
`msfit.flexsurvreg` not working when stratifying variable is not called `"trans"`, _e.g._ when two trans. are assumed proportional
#161 opened by mafed - 1
Error "ltMatrices.c:139:56: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘FCONE’ F77_CALL(dtptri)(&lo, &di, &iJ, dans, &info FCONE FCONE);" when a try to reinstall the package flexsurv
#166 opened by moschito78 - 2
- 3
`predict.flexsurvreg()` without covariates
#146 opened by ndunnewind - 4
flexsurvreg () using dist = "weibull". Error: initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite
#169 opened by shakirarodzlan - 3
faster bootstrap iterations for large data?
#168 opened by markdanese - 2
- 4
- 3
- 2
Calibrating and validating flexsurvspline model
#158 opened by lgondara - 2
`coxsnell_flexsurvreg` error when calculating cox-snell residuals for generalized gamma `flexsurvreg` model
#157 opened by hezht3 - 1
Expected number of visits from a `fmsm()` model
#153 opened by mattwarkentin - 4
allow conditional sampling in 'sim.fmsm()' ?
#152 opened by kkmann - 2
clarify 'start' paramter in 'simulate.flexsurvreg()'
#150 opened by kkmann - 1
partial argument matching
#149 opened by sebffischer - 3
- 4
Enable `.` in formula
#143 opened by hfrick - 7
- 4
FlexSurvMix Data Format / Model
#141 opened by AustinFournierKL - 2
Age as the time-scale
#140 opened by Xueke1001 - 6
simulate implementation
#138 opened by mclements - 3
Problem with flexsurvreg Weibull AFT
#139 opened by AustinFournierKL - 5
path detection in fmixmsm()
#137 opened by kkmann