- 0
Unresolved reference: AwesomeDialog
#11 opened by hamza94max - 0
setCancellable Support Missing
#10 opened by DevelopersDevXnow - 6
java vesrion or code
#1 opened by yasdeveloper - 2
- 1
check if a dialog is open?
#9 opened by techker - 0
- 1
Click effect
#6 opened by ArchangerOne - 1
Is there a way to use a custom view?
#7 opened by callebdev - 1
How to Programmaticaly Hide The Diaogue
#5 opened by rahat14 - 2
Wrap width action
#3 opened by hukjordanjanaq - 1
context this error
#2 opened by IqbalAlhadadgreenhcm321