

MehtapIsik opened this issue · 4 comments

I was testing with Infinite results of different assay types. I will list here some suggestions:

  1. Adding usage example with type argument will be useful here:
  2. For single_96 type, the plots are too wide. We should adjust plot dimensions.
    There is empty space on x-axis for wells bigger than 12 on 96-well plot. mi_flu_hsa_lig1_20150914_172954
  3. I think adding axis labels will be great. x-axis label: Well Index, y-axis label: Fluorescence
  4. Plot title usually has None printed for 'Part of Plate' section.
    Do we need "Part of Plate" information? Or can we assign a default "Full Plate" when xml doesn't have this information.
  5. I don't have ant 384-well data, so I couldn't test singlet_384 type but I noticed it has hard coded ligand concentration(Lstated) for plotting. Can we remove that?
  6. The difference between types spectra and scan wasn't obvious to me.

Thanks Mehtap!

Could it also be made python 3 compatible?

It may also be helpful if it prints the help string if called without any arguments.