
coloc.susie returns NA results without error message

zhilizheng opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi Dr. Wallace,

Thanks for the great coloc tool. I meet a problem when running the coloc.susie, that I don't understand where the problem comes from.

Relicate of the problem:

# finemap from susie for summary data 1
f1 = readRDS("f1.rds")
# finemap from susie for summary data 2
f2 = readRDS("f2.rds")
# coloc
res=coloc.susie(f1, f2)

As shown in the example, the coloc results is NA, without any errors. Could you figure me what happened here?

BTW, the suma.rds, is the orginal summary data. Columns with name BETA, SE, P, MAF, N were from summary data1, BETA2, SE2, P2, MAF2, N2 were from summary data2.

Thanks for your help.


I have the same problem. Have you solve it?