
A java wrapper for GLES 2.0, EGL and some native support utilities

Primary LanguageHTML


NB please see porting at the end...

Why GLES 2.0?

it makes a very nice subset of the various versions of opengl, and its basically everywhere from your phone to your browser (webgl)

Why not just use LWJGL or [ insert your binding of choice here ] ?

LWJGL is a fantastic library to use and it makes a great "driver" layer for higher level libraries such as libGDX, however it's not "pure" GLES 2.0. Obviously if there is an identical function in GL 1.0 and GL 2.0 you're not going to duplicate. So you end up having to use GL10 and GL20 static classes (and sometimes you forget what lives where) At the time of writing LWJGL's GLES 2.0 classes are not included with LWJGL.

NB this was written before the release of lwjgl3 which is different entirely

Why is the util (support) class so limited ?

Its purposely like that, writing 40+ lines of code to use EGL just to make a context even with a simplified X11 window creation utility doesn't make for a fast development path! While directly using GLFW3 is easier than that I decided to simplify even further. As the vast majority of use cases only need one native window... that's all you can have!

How is Jgles2 organised ?

There are just two classes

Jgles2.GLES2 access to libGLES v2.0

Jgles2.util some native context creation stuff, general utilities etc.

There used to be a C math library wrapped as well, but there was little to be gained from this and there are various Math routines (matrix, quaternion etc) in the Java demo. Further development has lead to the C side using GLFW3 for creating a native context instead of X11 this should! make it trivial to port to other platforms it also lead to dropping the EGL wrapping, which is now superfluous - for the time being the source for the EGL wrapping can be found by executing:

find . -name *.depricated

Is it just like using GLES ?

Its close but there are a few slight differences for convenience

So is it ready to rock and roll ?

Basically yes - there are a small handful of routines unwrapped that I don't use (contributions welcome) There is a full application demonstrating gimbaless rotation, the library has also been tested using techniques like render to texture.

Porting - you can help (yes! you!)

If you want to port Jgles to your platform (it would certainly be apreciated) You just need to be sure that GLFW3 can create and use a GLES2.0 context - porting should be easy! (famous last words!)

I'd like to chat about Jgles2, how to I contact you?

Please use the contact form on bedroomcoders.co.uk