
This template is suitable to do a tiny programming task: Implementing a linear Kalman filter.

Here the data of a GPS sensor is provided.

Task 1: Introduction

Open the template and run it, e.g. in Octave by pressing F5. Have a look at the output of the data. This plot shows the noisy data from the GPS sensor.

Task 2: Implementation of Kalman Filter

Implement the linear Kalman filter, so the trajectory of the robot. Plot the output in the same plot, which is already prepared in the template.

Task 3: Additional Information

Plot the estimated velocity of the robot, as well as the values in the covariance matrix. Notice how these values change over time.

Task 4: System Noise

Comment in the if condition in the file generate_noisy_data.m. With this added, the path of the robot changes after half the distance. Use the system noise matrix and find suitable values.