
Roslyn source generators for Unity projects. Useful as a learning resource or getting started.

Primary LanguageC#The UnlicenseUnlicense


Roslyn source generators for Unity projects:


To use

  • Unity 2021.3 or newer

To develop


Install the package to your Unity project.

The package comes with a Unity AssetPostprocessor which automatically configures the Pandority.dll importer. As a "bonus" feature, it will also apply the correct settings to any DLL whose name ends with SourceGenerator.dll.


If you encounter issue during setup, consult the Unity documentation

If the source generator fails to produce output, check for a crash log in these locations:

Operating System Log File Location
macOS ~/Library/Logs/Pandority
Windows %LOCALAPPDATA%\Pandority
Linux ~/.config/Pandority

Script Utilities

The following log helper can be run as a shell script in a bash interpreter:

sh ./open-log.sh opens the log file directory.

sh ./open-log.sh <file> opens the log with the file name.

If a file is not found, the log directory will be opened instead. In cases where the log directory does not exist, the script will print its path.

To enable debug logs, refer to the Development section for instructions.


Open the SourceGeneratorProject directory in your IDE to modify the source generator. Review the contents of the .csproj file to see the configuration and build process details.

Run nuget restore to install the required NuGet packages.

Run dotnet build --configuration Release to produce an optimized DLL that will be automatically copied to the Unity package directory.

Run dotnet build to build a debug version with logging enabled.

A new release of the generator should always be built with the release configuration for performance reasons.

Debug Logging

To enable more detailed logging beyond the always-enabled crash log, set the solution configuration to Debug and rebuild the project.

Running Unit Tests

Run dotnet test to execute the unit tests. The test project uses xUnit and NET 6.0.