🔭 I’m currently looking into online planning with Monte-Carlo tree search to potentially apply to multi-agent control.
👯 I’ve also worked on training an octopus arm to throw balls using imitation learning and multi-arm coordination using hierarchical reinforcement learning
🏎 I speed up soft arm control with model-based unsupervied learning
💫 I build and contribute to open-source softwares like gym-softrobot, Control Oriented Octopus Muscle Model, and interactive learning materials on numerical methods
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://chshih2.github.io/
💬 I'm interested in integrating ML algorithms to aid solving complex problems
📫 How to reach me chshih2@illinois.edu
📄 Know about my experiences https://uofi.box.com/s/0cn37qdvcdnpkqw6p4tbld58azn95mxm