
Nextflow frequently asked questions

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Nextflow FAQ

1. I have a collection of input files (e.g. carrots.fa, onions.fa, broccoli.fa). How can I specify a process to be performed on each file in a parallel manner?

The idea here is to create a channel that will trigger a process execution for each of your files.

First define a parameter that specifies where the input files are:

params.input = "data/*.fa"

Each of the .fa files in the data directory will be made into a channel with:

vegetable_datasets = Channel.fromPath(params.input)

From here, each time the variable vegetable_datasets is called as an input to a process, the process will be performed on each of the files in the vegetable datasets. For example, each input file may contain a collection of unaligned sequences. We can specify a process to align them as follows:

process clustalw2_align {
    file vegetable_fasta from vegetable_datasets

    file "${vegetable_fasta.baseName}.aln" into vegetable_alns

    clustalw2 -INFILE=${vegetable_fasta}

This would result in the alignment of the three vegetable fasta files into carrots.aln, onions.aln and broccoli.aln.

These aligned files are now in the channel vegetable_alns and can be used as input for a further process.

2. How do I get a unique identifier based on a dataset file names (e.g. broccoli from broccoli.fa) and have the results going to a specific folder (e.g. results/broccoli/)?

Channels can contain more than just files. We can create a channel that emits a tuple containing both the file base name (broccoli) and the full file path (data/broccoli.fa):

datasets = Channel
                .map { file -> tuple(file.baseName, file) }

Here we are modifying the datasets channel using the map function but there is large collection of channel operations that can be performed.

Now we have a channel that emits the basename and the file. In the process we can reference the set as the value val(datasetID) and file file(datasetFile) from the datasets channel:

process clustalw2_align {

    set val(datasetID), file(datasetFile) from datasets

    set (datasetID), file("${datasetID}.aln") into aligned_files

    clustalw2 -INFILE=${datasetFile} -OUTFILE=${datasetID}.aln

In our example above would now have the folder broccoli which would contain the file broccoli.aln.

Channels can contain and emit any type of data structure simplifying the flow of data.

3. How do I get the output or results of process to be placed in a specific directory?

We can add the command publishDir followed by a path to the beginning of a process. This creates a symbolic link any outputs in the given path.

For example we can first specify a results directory to be called results in the current directory.

results_path = './results'

In the process we can then use publishDir and the $results_path variable to specify the directory where the results will be placed at the completion of the process.

process clustalw2_align {

        publishDir "$results_path/clustalw2"

        set val(datasetID), file(datasetFile) from datasets

        file "${datasetID}.aln" into aligned_files

        clustalw2 -INFILE=${datasetFile} -OUTFILE=${datasetID}.aln

4. Can a channel be used in two input statements? For example, I want carrots.fa to be aligned by both ClustalW and T-Coffee.

No, a channel can be consumed only by one process or operator. In practise, there is two options for proceeding with this. You can either have the output create multiple channels or you can split the channel before calling it as an input.

Option 1: Have the output create two (or more) channels:
process clustalw2_align {

    set val(datasetID), file(datasetFile) from datasets

    file "${datasetID}.aln" into aligned_filesA, aligned_filesB, aligned_filesC

    clustalw2 -INFILE=${datasetFile} -OUTFILE=${datasetID}.aln

aligned_filesA, aligned_filesB and aligned_filesC now contain the identical output and can be used as the input of different processes.

Option 2: Split the channel using the .into operator.

Given we have a channel emitting the input files:

vegetable_datasets = Channel.fromPath(params.input)

Next we can split it into two channels:

vegetable_datasets.into { datasets_clustalw; datasets_tcoffee }

Then we can define a process for aligning the datasets with ClustalW:

process clustalw2_align {
    file vegetable_fasta from datasets_clustalw

    file "${vegetable_fasta.baseName}.aln" into clustalw_alns

    clustalw2 -INFILE=${vegetable_fasta}

And a process for aligning the datasets with T-Coffee:

process tcoffee_align {
    file vegetable_fasta from datasets_tcoffee

    file "${vegetable_fasta.baseName}.aln" into tcoffee_alns

    t_coffee ${vegetable_fasta}

5. I have executables in my code, how should I call them in Nextflow?

Nextflow will automatically add the directory bin into the PATH environmental variable. So therefore any executable in the bin folder of a Nextflow pipeline can be called without the need to reference the full path.

For example, we may wish to reformat our ClustalW alignments from Question 3 into PHYLIP format. We will use the handy tool esl-reformat for this task.

First we place copy (or create a symlink to) the esl-reformat executable to the project's bin folder. From above we see the ClustalW alignments are in the channel clustalw_alns:

process phylip_reformat {
    file clustalw_alignment from clustalw_alns

    file "${clustalw_alignment.baseName}.phy" into clustalw_phylips

    esl-reformat phylip ${clustalw_alignment} ${clustalw_alignment.baseName}.phy

process generate_bootstrap_replicates {
    file clustalw_phylip from clustalw_phylips
    file "${clustalw_alignment.baseName}.phy" into clustalw_phylips

    esl-reformat phylip ${clustalw_alignment} ${clustalw_alignment.baseName}.phy

6. How do I iterate over a process i times?

To perform a process i times, we can specify the input to be each x from y..z. For example::


process bootstrapReplicateTrees {
    publishDir "$results_path/$datasetID/bootstrapsReplicateTrees"

    each x from 1..bootstrapReplicates
    set val(datasetID), file(ClustalwPhylips)

    file "bootstrapTree_${x}.nwk" into bootstrapReplicateTrees

    // Generate Bootstrap Trees

    raxmlHPC -m PROTGAMMAJTT -n tmpPhylip${x} -s tmpPhylip${x}
    mv "RAxML_bestTree.tmpPhylip${x}" bootstrapTree_${x}.nwk

7. I have i files in a channel, how do I iterate over them within a process?

For example, I have 100 files in the bootstrapReplicateTrees channel. I wish to perform one process where I iterate over each file inside the process.

The idea here to transform the channel emitting 100 files to a channel that will collect all files into a list object and produce that list as a sole emission. Then the process' script will be able to iterate over the files by using a simple for-loop.

process concatenateBootstrapReplicates {
    publishDir "$results_path/$datasetID/concatenate"

    file bootstrapTreeList from bootstrapReplicateTrees.toList()

    file "concatenatedBootstrapTrees.nwk"

    // Concatenate Bootstrap Trees
    for treeFile in ${bootstrapTreeList}
        cat \$treeFile >> concatenatedBootstrapTrees.nwk


8. I have two channels as an input to a process, one with several items and a second with only one item, why the process is running a single time?

process intersect_bed {
    file bed from bed_collection
    file bed_features

    file 'intersect.bed' into bed_light_activity

    bedtools intersect -a $bed -b $bed_features > intersect.bed

In this example, the process will be run only one time. Here the channel is a dataflow stream (or queue) and when an item is read it is removed from the channel, as the channel contains only one file, when it is read, it sends a termination signal to the process and it stops.

If you want to run the process as many times as files in bed_collection, you only need to change the declaration of bed_features by:

file bed_features.first()

This code generates a dataflow value (or singleton). This type of channels can be used as many times as needed, because it always returns the same value without removing it. That is way with this command the process will be run as many time as bed files inside the bed_collection channel.

9. How do I collect the actual filenames from files that result from processes?

Consider an example with the popular transcript assembly tool cufflink and cuffmerge.

Cuffmerge takes as input a file containing the files names of the GTF files output by the individual cufflinks process tasks.

We can collect the files names using the collectFile operator as shown below:

process cufflinks {

    file annotationFile
    set val(name), file(STAR_alignment) from STARmappedReads

    set val(name), file("CUFF_${name}") into cufflinksTranscripts

    mkdir CUFF_${name}
    cufflinks -g ${annotationFile} \
              -o CUFF_${name} \

    .collectFile () { file ->  ['gtf_filenames.txt', file.name + '\n' ] }
    .set { GTFfilenames }

process cuffmerge {

    file annotationFile
    file genomeFile
    file gtf_filenames from GTFfilenames
    file cufflinksTranscript from cufflinksTranscripts.toList()

    file "CUFFMERGE" into cuffmergeTranscripts

    // Cuffmerge
        mkdir CUFFMERGE
        cuffmerge -o CUFFMERGE \
                  -g ${annotationFile}  
                  -s ${genomeFile}
  • Here the process cufflinks will run for each sample from our STARmappedReads channel.
  • We then peform the collectFile operator on the channel cufflinksTranscripts.
  • For each file in the channel, we add the filename plus a new line to the file 'gtf_filenames.txt' as text.
  • This text file is then set to a new channel GTFfilenames.
  • In cuffmerge, we now have as input the aforementioned text file PLUS the actual GTF files themselves, ensuring the GTFs are accessible from the work directory.