Building a Controller

Body rate and roll/pitch control (Scenario 2)

Performance metrics

  • roll should less than 0.025 radian of nominal for 0.75 seconds (3/4 of the duration of the loop)

  • roll rate should less than 2.5 radian/sec for 0.75 seconds

Postion/velocity and yaw angle control (Scenario 3)

Performance metrics

  • X position of both drones should be within 0.1 meters of the target for at least 1.25 seconds

  • Quad2 yaw should be within 0.1 of the target for at least 1 second

Non-idealities and robustness (Scenario 4)

Performance metrics

  • position error for all 3 quads should be less than 0.1 meters for at least 1.5 seconds

Tracking trajectories (Scenario 5)

Performance metrics

  • position error of the quad should be less than 0.25 meters for at least 3 seconds