Rdio Scanner is an open source software that ingest and distribute audio files generated by various software-defined radio recorders. Its interface tries to reproduce the user experience of a real police scanner, while adding its own touch.
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Anyone still working on this project?
#445 opened by seth4380 - 0
Short Read Error then crashes out.
#434 opened by funman1steve - 1
Group Names Are Not In Order
#430 opened by spencerhusak - 0
Add tetrapol-kit source
#426 opened by f4hbw - 0
Unit IDs not displayed
#420 opened by bburkett52 - 0
Request for enhancement
#419 opened by bburkett52 - 3
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"Select TG" show large number of TGs
#416 opened by edmk5000 - 0
Error 504 After Unit ID's
#414 opened by theaustinayers - 12
Rdio App Remain Active Upon Screen Lock
#397 opened by bryanwhite56 - 0
SDRTrunk now sends API calls to RDIO
#408 opened by buccipgh - 0
Request for enhancement
#406 opened by bburkett52 - 4
Duplicate Detection
#404 opened by titothefixer - 3
Rdio audio ceases when app not "on top"
#398 opened by bryanwhite56 - 3
Android 14 Issues
#389 opened by Forts117 - 1
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Can't save changes
#375 opened by Clats97 - 1
Feature Request: Display site ID
#399 opened by Nokoa - 2
Low Volume on Carroll Co Maryland
#396 opened by bryanwhite56 - 6
Hung Sessions
#393 opened by renfrewcountyscanner - 0
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I am unable to Connect to live feed and select talkgroups anymore...please help!
#392 opened by Katz288 - 0
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Database error when adding users from command line
#366 opened by kcwebby - 7
SSL Auto Cert not listening
#387 opened by pknight56 - 2
Auto Play next call in Search Call
#384 opened by grahampaull - 0
Help with initial Setup/PDF Link
#379 opened by tokenwizard - 1
Setup Server credentials
#359 opened by Walt1980 - 4
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Color Blind Indicator Lights
#376 opened by DarthXoc - 1
'no system' error on Dirwatch for trunk-recorder
#371 opened by DarthXoc - 0
#368 opened by Cgronostaj - 0
controller.ingestcall: call.write: unable to open database file: out of memory (14)
#367 opened by sheboygannightscanner - 2
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Number of user logins
#355 opened by blackwellj - 1
How to set up rdio on an iphone
#346 opened by ldentel05 - 0
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Please enable javascript error
#342 opened by Bobabadabouskie - 3
Config does not save and erases TGs at end user
#338 opened by nickd3214 - 4
Feature request: Freeze talkgroup name
#341 opened by Clark985 - 15
Loss of audio when running Rdio in browser on android
#339 opened by Nirbles - 3
Patches API Example
#331 opened by tadscottsmith - 0
Feature Req: Add UID to history on display
#335 opened by doftheworld - 2
Feature req: Google speech to text API
#333 opened by canuckcam - 5
Downstream timing out
#330 opened by cpg178-kcd - 1
Volume Control
#328 opened by ciuchs - 1
Access code
#334 opened by lbttim - 1
Ability to add 3rd party feeds
#329 opened by nycode802 - 2
cmd line util - error response 417
#325 opened by kcwebby