Rdio Scanner is an open source software that ingest and distribute audio files generated by various software-defined radio recorders. Its interface tries to reproduce the user experience of a real police scanner, while adding its own touch.
- amurruAmuru Kingdom
- cn0xrootnull
- dandrzejewskiCleveland, Ohio
- daryljonesSan Carlos, CA US
- dkraft
- elixxBodymore, Murdaland
- frameshift18
- gavinrozzi@njdca-dhcr
- helix26j
- hieuhaCookie Arena
- iseanstevensSF
- jacygamer
- jdsteele
- jhall39
- johann8384Cisco Systems
- kevinelliott@welike @catalyzed
- kg6uyz
- levijohns
- MaxwellDPS<- This is a Building
- merlinxcyKC
- natecarlsonInternet Broadcasting, Nathan Carlson Consulting
- Nokoa
- nomadhermit
- npeteyd
- pompel123Norway
- ProteusXS
- r00tb3Earth
- rmleo86
- samysousaMontreal
- toniousbitHound
- tubs243
- wheezydabs
- windyinsc
- wodowieselprivat
- wtjcnChina. Beijing