
My customized Wayland desktop on Archlinux

Hail Catppuccin


I have moved to Artix (open-rc). Because of the missing systemd and its dependencies, some components cannot work correctly so I have to make some minor changes in the config.

  • If there is any compatibility issue, make sure to check the Arch-legacy folder.
  • I have switched to Zsh on Artix (because I hate Fish config method), but the starship prompt is still the same. You also want to install the plugin listed inside the shell config file before using it.


  • Terminal: kitty
  • Shell: zshell
  • Prompt: Starship
  • Editor: NvChad
  • Status bar: waybar
  • Menu : rofi (Include launcher, powermenu, screenshots, ...)

    Note that this is the Wayland compatible version of Rofi.

  • Fetch : nitch
  • Terminal multiplexer: Tmux
  • Cava: cava
  • Better than cat: bat
  • Notification daemon: mako

Mako, Rofi configuration files and Scripts are under hypr/ folder.


  • Font: JetBrainsMono Nerd Font
  • Wallpapers: hypr/wallpapers
  • Icon fonts: NerdFonts Icon + backup/icomoon.zip
  • Cursor theme: backup/Qogir-cursor
  • Environment variable (if you having some wayland compatibility problem): misc/environment

Needed packages:

(all of the above components) plus hyprland swaybg swayidle swaylock wlroots wl-clipboard mako grim slurp wf-recorder light yad mpv viewnior imagemagick xfce-polkit xorg-xwayland