- 1 unreachable
#61 opened by iagooteroc - 1
Can't run SparkBWA on Amazon EMR Yarn cluster
#55 opened by Maryom - 1
Missing an output location for shuffle 0
#53 opened by Shenglai - 0
- 0
- 0
Error while running master as local
#58 opened by dikshachaudhary - 1
--master local[n] results in an error
#57 opened by pdagosto - 8
SparkBWA generates empty sam files
#44 opened by salimbakker - 1
Output is empty .sam file!!
#51 opened by Rokshan2016 - 4
jni_md.h file is not found
#54 opened by Maryom - 2
BUILD FAILURE: Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.5.0:exec
#45 opened by noelnamai - 6
- 0
- 10
ERROR: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.github.sparkbwa.FASTQRecordGrouper
#49 opened by avapirev - 1
Problem when using spark-bwa (not linked to the reducer) ends up with bad header
#50 opened by ogirardot - 9
- 4
Single-end reads crash
#48 opened by avapirev - 6
run with single-end error
#7 opened by xubo245 - 3
Wouldn't it be good to add a feature in your program to execute the BWA program directly?
#46 opened by HamidMushtaq - 15
ERROR YarnScheduler: Lost executor 5 on Mcnode6: remote Rpc client disassociated
#35 opened by xubo245 - 4
ERROR scheduler.LiveListenerBus: Listener EventLoggingListener threw an exception java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
#20 opened by luobailian - 2
Unable to build with Maven
#41 opened by luederm - 1
- 1
Index file cannot be located
#42 opened by avapirev - 17
SparkBWA generates empty sam files
#22 opened by Asmaa-Ali - 3
- 3
Help needed to run SparkBWA without Hadoop
#36 opened by avapirev - 1
Docker setup
#25 opened by mgijsbertihodenpijl - 7
about processing SparkBWA warning
#32 opened by light940929 - 1
-bwaArgs option seems not working
#27 opened by jmoa - 1
- 1
Any pair of fq files can do to test it
#18 opened by luobailian - 1
The version ?
#17 opened by wangzhenkeep - 1
- 3
- 0
Exception in thread “main” org.apache.spark.SparkException: Application application finished with failed status
#21 opened by Asmaa-Ali - 0
exception in thread main org.apache.spark.sparkexception application finished with failed status
#19 opened by Asmaa-Ali - 1
- 2
Problem running SparkBWA
#14 opened by Asmaa-Ali - 1
Need advise run to SparkBWA with Big data set of HG
#15 opened by Nav15 - 5
- 1
Error SparkBWA
#8 opened by Nav15 - 29
Cannot start SparkBWA
#6 opened by xubo245 - 13
Error during execution
#5 opened by Nav15 - 6
Problem in running MEM with Sparkbwa
#4 opened by neozhang307 - 0