- 0
- 0
Wrong `rot_mat` in generated `transforms.json`
#46 opened by xiasun - 1
About the complete city SfM results.
#45 opened by ulsrgs - 0
Cars and pedestrians
#44 opened by wonjunior - 0
What about big_city_pointcloud
#43 opened by qimaqi - 1
Transform normal to cam space
#42 opened by Binyr - 2
关于big city的street部分的pose文件生成问题
#38 opened by HarshWinterBytes - 1
which space is the loaded normal in?
#41 opened by Binyr - 3
Surface Normals Edge "Artifacts"
#27 opened by KevinQu7 - 0
norm of normal is not equal to 1
#40 opened by Binyr - 0
about translation error
#39 opened by lwhhhh13 - 1
The coordinate system of normal
#34 opened by HarshWinterBytes - 4
关于big city的transforms.json咨询
#37 opened by smart4654154 - 2
Inquiry about aerial_street_fusion
#35 opened by oungji212 - 1
Clarification on Weather Variation Capabilities and Recommendations for Complex Weather Datasets
#36 opened by ChaoyiZh - 13
#29 opened by SunHongyang10 - 3
#32 opened by smart4654154 - 1
#33 opened by smart4654154 - 1
关于smallcity 各个block数据划分的疑问?
#31 opened by smart4654154 - 2
About MatrixCity/aerial_street_fusion
#30 opened by zachzhang07 - 3
Issues when Generating Custom Trajectory
#28 opened by zhicongsun - 1
- 1
Issues when rendering data
#26 opened by zhicongsun - 0
#25 opened by SunHongyang10 - 18
Noise in depth gt
#4 opened by BlueNine9 - 12
Questions about SceneDepth to "metric depth(distance from camera center to scene)"
#24 opened by Gear-dev-sudo - 2
- 1
Could you release more codes/models to reproduce the numbers in Table 2 & 3 in the main paper?
#18 opened by Ganlin-Yang - 10
Ground-truth intrinsic images
#19 opened by CCareaga - 9
axis and directions of transformations?
#21 opened by AIBluefisher - 1
Can we run this project on ubuntu?
#17 opened by niuge12138 - 2
- 1
Retrieve all camera poses in a sequence
#16 opened by wbteng9526 - 20
Some problems related to the MatrixCityPlugin
#15 opened by SehunKing - 4
#10 opened by StarsTesla - 6
Will you share big_city_depth?
#12 opened by thucz - 5
- 4
- 1
plan for the UE5 plugin
#1 opened by Yang-Xijie - 2
- 2
- 1
403 error when downloading dataset
#11 opened by thucz - 4
Transforms for small_city
#9 opened by Snosixtyboo - 0
Can you share the stitch code for panoramas?
#8 opened by thucz - 4
Some questions about street dataset: cubemap orders of street images in small_city, differences of "transforms.json" and "transforms_origin.json" and other questions
#7 opened by thucz - 1
- 0