Psychiatry faculty; biostatistics PhD. {Targeted, deep, machine} learning, NLP, IRT, computer vision, exposure mixtures, EHRs.
Harvard Medical School, Mass General HospitalBoston, MA
ck37's Following
- aangelopoulosUniversity of California, Berkeley
- AIgenPittsburgh, USA
- annaguo-biosEmory University
- bhavingajjar99
- boyercbCambridge, MA
- dfatoriSão Paulo, SP
- douxiaotianHarvard University
- ericzhao28UC Berkeley
- etiennebacherLuxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
- FereshteShakeri
- glenmcgee
- herbertfreeze
- jespersmith@Halodi
- jmendelson256Bureau of Labor Statistics
- juandelahozMGH
- keshav-motwani
- kingme5005
- krzyzinskimSnowflake
- Lauren-EylerDang
- lorenzoFabbriBarcelona
- manueltonneauBerlin, Germany
- markvanderlaan1967University of California, Berkeley
- MatthewBJaneUniversity of Connecticut
- MihaelCudic
- mmcdermottHarvard Medical School
- noambard
- parichoy
- perellonietoUniversity of Bristol
- pratik-khadseUniversity of Southern California
- QIU-Hongxiang-David
- ryanoisinUniversity Medical Center Utrecht
- shikokuchuoHibiki AI
- spfohl
- StatsGaryCrisp Thinking / Google Certified Tensorflow Developer / NHS-R Community Senior Fellow / Kaggler
- yijutsengNational Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
- zoeyzhou1296