- 1
Need help getting vim-anywhere running
#120 opened by EricEWeir - 9
Support without gvim.
#89 opened by hobbestigrou - 1
Insecure use of /tmp
#81 opened by jwilk - 2
Plugin not working
#117 opened by EricEWeir - 0
Vim takes a long time to start after being invoked.
#118 opened by EricEWeir - 0
Open Vim with selected text
#119 opened by EricEWeir - 0
Switch to soft wrap on launch?
#115 opened by RhvdG - 0
Use without temp files on mac [suggestion]
#116 opened by electricWah - 1
change key board shortcut on ubuntu
#112 opened by nivethan-me - 1
Workflow starts, but nothing else happens
#111 opened by RhvdG - 3
Windows version
#93 opened by johannesleander - 1
Keybind Not Working in Chrome
#109 opened by 1aryanpro - 1
Can't lock the PC, the lock file doesn't exist
#106 opened by ethanfischer - 2
- 1
How to open a new buffer in current MacVim window?
#103 opened by fountainer - 1
- 12
Feature Request: import selected text
#78 opened by nvk - 5
feature proposition: Automatic pasting
#101 opened by TitouanT - 3
macOS - No hotkey in Services
#100 opened by Donkeyfish87 - 2
put vim in insert mode automatically
#94 opened by ri-aje - 2
not working? (with screencast)
#92 opened by seguri - 2
Changing xclip to xsel for Linux
#90 opened by verysure - 3
Support for neovim
#86 opened by letientai299 - 5
Support for emacs-anywhere
#66 opened by ryukinix - 0
- 1
neovim support for mac via VimR
#73 opened by sodiumjoe - 4
- 1
- 1
- 4
Breaks Ubuntu 17.10
#60 opened by basile-henry - 3
Doesn't work with Vimium chrome extension
#63 opened by hasahmed - 2
- 1
- 6
Any reason to don't set filetype to some value?
#43 opened by vitalk - 0
Better GIF and Pictures
#57 opened by cknadler - 0
Add OSX support to pull request #65
#70 opened by cknadler - 2
Am I missing something, but what's the point?
#48 opened by 097115 - 1
Add to brew for easy MAC install and update
#46 opened by simonweil - 3
- 2
Can't use in Mail
#54 opened by AdamSLevy - 1
Text is not pasted from vim-anywhere
#58 opened by slonka - 3
Umlaut problems
#49 opened by habi - 3
Keybinding in i3wm
#39 opened by edthedev - 2
How to change a file name and use :Gist
#40 opened by shinokada - 2
- 2
- 3
Getting Python crash when opening [OS X]
#53 opened by rdlugosz - 1
Does it work in Windows?
#38 opened by mascip - 4
Sourcing special file on startup?
#37 opened by lesguillemets - 1
It does not paste back to the web browser
#36 opened by stephencheng