
Fork of https://github.com/sm64pc/sm64ex ported to the PlayStation Classic.

Primary LanguageC


Fork of sm64pc/sm64ex ported to the PlayStation Classic.

Feel free to report bugs and contribute, but remember, there must be no upload of any copyrighted asset. Run ./extract_assets.py --clean && make clean or make distclean to remove ROM-originated content.


Linux / WSL (Ubuntu)

sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get install -y python3 build-essential unzip

sudo wget https://github.com/autobleem/PSC-CrossCompile-Toolchain/archive/refs/heads/master.zip -O PSC-CrossCompile.zip && \
sudo unzip PSC-CrossCompile.zip && \
sudo rm PSC-CrossCompile.zip && \
sudo mv PSC-CrossCompile-Toolchain-master PSC-CrossCompile-Toolchain

git clone https://github.com/ckosmic/sm64ex-psc.git

sudo chmod -R 775 sm64ex-psc
cd sm64ex-psc

# If using WSL, go and copy the baserom to C:\temp (create that directory in Windows Explorer if needed)
# If not, don't worry about this next command, just copy baserom.<version>.z64 to sm64ex-psc
cp /mnt/c/temp/baserom.us.z64 ./

sudo chmod 644 ./baserom.us.z64

sudo bash build_psc.sh

After running these commands, navigate to project_eris/etc/project_eris/SUP/launchers on your PlayStation Classic's flash drive or through SFTP, and create a folder called sm64. Copy every file from build/us_pc into this folder.

Make sure you have MXE first before attempting to compile for Windows on Linux and WSL.

Check out the sm64ex wiki for more information on building.