angsd_pipeline for population genomics with low-coverage whole-genome sequencing

This pipeline was built by Claire Mérot with help and scripts from Eric Normandeau and many inputs from Anne-Laure Ferchaud and Amanda Xuereb. It has been used for the analyses in the paper reference below, and it is flexible to be used for similar kind of analysis on different datasets.

Claire Mérot, Emma Berdan, Hugo Cayuela, Haig Djambazian, Anne-Laure Ferchaud, Martin Laporte, Eric Normandeau, Jiannis Ragoussis, Maren Wellenreuther, Louis Bernatchez, Locally adaptive inversions modulate genetic variation at different geographic scales in a seaweed fly, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2021;, msab143

IMPORTANT: run all commands from the angsd_pipeline folder

overview of the pipeline



install angsd & associated programs

add angsd to the path in .bashrc

add the misc folder (containing RealSFS, theta stat etc to the path in .bashrc

export PATH="/home/camer78/Softwares/angsd2/angsd:$PATH" export PATH="/home/camer78/Softwares/angsd2/angsd/misc:$PATH"

install NGSAdmix (maybe in the misc folder, else export its path)

install pcangsd (maybe in the misc folder) & check if you have python2 copy the path into PCA_ANGSD_PATH=~/Softwares/pcangsd

for all script file, you may edit the header to put your email adress and adjust cpu/memory/time/allocation and slurm partition



  • bam-files They must be aligned to the reference, indexed and sorted, named like "id_sex_pop_group_blablabla.sorted.bam. They can be kept in original folder, just know the path to their location from the angsd_pipeline folder

insert this path in BAM_PATH= in the

Useful for most analysis:

  • info.txt in 02_info folder: a file listing the bamfile names ordered with a column for any relevant information on the individuals for follow-up analyses with R ideally: col1=bam_filename, col2=id, col3=sex, col4=pop, col5=group, col6=group ...
  • pop.txt in 02_info folder : a file listing population names with one item by line (there can be several files if we aimed at analysing different grouping, pop1.txt, pop_geo.txt, etc)


  • genome.fasta in 02_info folder: the reference genome on which bam have been aligned

if it is not indexed run:

module load samtools

samtools faidx 02_info/genome.fasta
  • region.txt: a file listing the regions of the genome (chromosome or scaffolds) to be included in the analysis.

For initial tests, put manually just a few, one per line

To list all scaffolds of the genome You may want to reduce this list to improve computation time and exclude short unanchored scaffold.

grep -e ">" 02_info/genome.fasta | awk 'sub(/^>/, "")' | sort -k1 > 02_info/region.txt
  • edit the file

choose MIN_MAF, PERCENT_IND, MIN_DEPTH, MAX_DEPTH filter for intials steps MAF is the minor allele frequency. you may want to adjust to your dataset and/or interest into rarer variants. Default value is 0.05 PERCENT_IND is the percentage if individuals for which we ask to have at least MIN_DEPTH reads to keep the position. It will remove position not well covered by sequences. MIN_DEPTH is usualy set to 1 for low-coverage data but if your data is 4-5x, you may prefer to ask at least 2 reads for instance. One may also play with the percentage of individuals. MAX_DEPTH should be set at about 3-4 times the expected coverage if you want to exclude from your analyses the positions which may belong to duplicated or repeated regions.

For later steps, choose WINDOW and WINDOW_STEP for sliding-windows analyses, and K_MIN, K_MAX for admixture analysis


this script will make a list of all bamfiles and several list by population, based on information in bamfile names and pop.txt WARNING: you may have blanks or duplicates -> if you want to check them you can keep them but for all regular analysis it will be important to remove them from the bamlist. Blanks will be useless as there are nothing and have almost no reads. Duplicates will messed up with the PCA as they will have a very high covariance.

edit script if you want to add another way of grouping (group.txt)


WARNING: if you re-run this script after editing your bam.filelist (e.g. to remove duplicates or outliers), it will replace it...


this script will work on all bamfiles and calculate saf, maf & genotype likelihood on the whole dataset. It will output in 02_info folder the list of SNP which passed the MIN_MAF and PERCENT_IND filters & their Major-minor alleles (sites_*)

maybe edit the number of cpu NB_CPU and allocated memory/time

sbatch 01_scripts/


this script will work on all individuals using the beagle genotype likelihood and calculate a covariance matrix with angsd. it also output the pca with R, and visualisation in pdf

The PCA tend to be driven by few outliers (unclear why) and by duplicates (typically 2 points at an extreme of a PC). They will also be affected by related or inbred samples that co-vary too much with each other. Check for all that, and remove the ones you want. (For duplicate we often keep the one with the more coverage) by editing the bam.filelist. Finally re-run step 03 and 04 with an edited bamlist

this requires pcangsd to be cloned and a version of Python v2 with alias "python2"

maybe edit NB_CPU and memory (sometimes require a lot of memory >100 G)

sbatch 01_scripts/

for further visualisation using information from info.txt, the script 01_scripts/Rscripts/visualise_pca.r can be useful. The current visualisation is very basic and was tuned for my 3-groups inversion so it uses Kernel statistics to colour into three groups. Don't bother too much about it, just look at the general repartition of points and export the .pca file to your computer to tune the colours to your own needs (population, sex, etc)


this script will work on all individuals using the beagle genotype likelihood and perform an admixture analysis. this requires NGSadmix to be installed and its path export in the bashrc. NGS admiw will explore all number of population between K_MIN and K_MAX as provided in the

maybe edit NB_CPU=1 & edit K_MIN and K_MAX in the

sbatch 01_scripts/

for further visualisation using information from info.txt, the script 01_scripts/Rscripts/visualise_admix.r can be useful


this script will work on bamfiles by population and calculate saf & maf. It will run on the list of sites determined at step 3 (filter on global population). Major and minor alleles are polarized by the list of SNPs from step 3 which means that an allele can be minor at the scale of all populations but at frequency >50% in a given population. Keeping this polarisation is important because we want to have the frequency of the same allele accross popualtions. In addition it will filter for sites with at least one read in a minimum proportion of individuals within each pop

maybe edit cpu & choose on which list of pop run the analyses NB_CPU=1 & POP_FILE1=02_info/pop.txt

sbatch 01_scripts/

The resulting MAF by population are the data used by the selection_analysis pipeline which does environmental associations.


This script will calculate the unfold saf by population; then the 2dSFS and FST for each pair of populations It starts with a R script that subset the population bamlist ot have the same number of individuals as this factor can strongly influence Fst values.

maybe edit

NB_CPU=1 #change accordingly in SLURM header

POP_FILE1=02_info/pop.txt #choose on which list of pop run the analyses

sbatch 01_scripts/

for further visualisation (requires the corrplot package), you may use 01_scripts/Rscripts/visualise_fst.r


this script will NOT filter on Maf as we want to keep all positions to calculate thetas statistics. It will simply filter on coverage with the same parameters fixed in It calculates the saf, 1DSFS and thetas statistics by population. I have tried on all populations together but it does not really make sense and it is impossible to run on thousands of individuals.

Beware if ancestral sequenc is the reference (folded spectrum), not all stats are meaningful.

sbatch 01_scripts/


those two scripts can do a gwas either with binary phenoty "_bin" or quantitative phenotype "_quant".

phenotype files should be put in 02_info (see some examples herein)

  • bin_pheno.txt #this file must be one single column with phenotype coded as 1 or 2, each line is one individual in the same order as bamfile
  • quant_pheno.txt #this file must be one single column with quantitative phenotype, each line is one individual in the same order as bamfiles. Beware, the quantitative gwas is made to include a covariable (for instance sex) coded as binary # change the $COV if needed Missing data must be coded -999

In the quant script, There are three ways of implementing the GWAS. See Angsd help about it

sbatch 01_scripts/

sbatch 01_scripts/


This step include several modules that should be run successively important: edit window size - this is a number of SNPs windows od 100 to 10 000 SNPs allows analysis along the genome, while a large window can be chosen if one wants to make a pca by chromosome (see also 10C to directly do a local PCA on a given window)

A- This script will call a python script written by Eric Normandeau to split the begale files into windows of a given size within each chromosome/scaffold. They are stored into beagle_by_window folder Then, it will run pcangsd on each window of X SNPs. Covariances matrices are stored into cov_by_window folder

sbatch 01_scripts/

B- This script will call a R script using the lostruct package It applies the method proposed in Li, H., & Ralph, P. (2019). Local PCA shows how the effect of population structure differs along the genome. Genetics, 211(1), 289-304.

In addition, the R script test correlation between the PC1 scores of each window and the PCs of the global pca done at step 04

IMPORTANT: edit window size to fit what was given to the A script, edit the nb of individuals and the nombre of PC to consider in lostruct, and the nb of axis of the MDS to look at and save

window_size=100 #nb of Snps per window
N_IND=1446 #nb of individuals included in the analysis
N_PC=2 #nb of PC to consider when comparing windows
N_MDS=50 #nb of MDS dimension in the output
sbatch 01_scripts/

C and D- After the analysis of the MDS which may highlight regions of interest, or if one is interested in doing PCA on a chosen window

The script 10C will run automatically on all the MDS axis chosen to output the cluster of windows which are outliers on each MDS, and the associated PCA. One will need to adjust key parameters to one's dataset. See L31: #parameters to group together into a cluster the outliers windows max_MDS=11 #nb of mds on whcih to work sd_lim=4 #limit for being outlier x_between=20 #merge window with this number of windows between them min_n_window=5 #remove cluster with less than this number of window

It will output pca,eigen-values and images for each cluster of windows (by MDS) and a list of MDS/windows outliers.

The script 10D is more of a manual/custom one that will call select the region in the beagle using a python script written by Eric Normandeau, call Pcangsd to get the covariance matrix, and a R script to get the PCa and plot it.

important: this requires a file with two column with the start and stop of the wanted region separated by a tab for instance

LG1_125 LG1_456

It will output pca, eigen-values and images.

11 LD pruning with PLINK

This step allow outputing genotype likelihoods in plink format and run plink to extract a list of LD-pruned SNPs.

by default values for Plink pruning are as follow and can be adjusted directly in the script


sbatch 01_scripts/

12 LD calculation by NGSLD

There are two sets of scripts: the ones "byLG" which will loop on chromosomes to do them separately, and the ones "fusion" that will do two chromosomes, including LD within adn between chromosomes.

Step A is making a begale file with more stringent filtering

To reduce computation time and focus on informative positions, this script re-run the 1st step of ANGSD to output a beagle with a differnt threhold of MAF and percent of individuals with at least 1 read, and by chromosome (LG).

This may be edited in the script with the following variables. region_LG.txt is a text file with one chromosome name per line. It loops over it, but it can also be parrallelized by chromosome.

LG_FILE1= 02_info/region_LG.txt #work on a chosen subset of LG
MIN_MAF=0.10 #filter : will keep SNP above this allele frequency (over all individuals)
PERCENT_IND=0.75 #filter : will keep SNP with at least one read for this percentage of individuals
MAX_DEPTH_FACTOR=3 #filter : will keep SNP with less than X time the nb of individuals total coverage

WARNING: check very well the number of sites in the beagle output (either counting the number of lines in the beagle or the SITEs file. If this is too big >50,000 SNPs it will create very very big matrices which may crash the server (terabytes size!!). you may want to either re-run step A with more stringent filters or adjust the parameter in ngsLD that will use a random subset of your snps

Step B (& C) uses NGSld to calculate linkage disequilibrium.

LD calculation is followed by a python script writted by Eric Normandeau ( which summarize the LD by blocks of a given size, and output the different quantile of the R² distribution. It will need the header.txt file to be in the folder 12_ngsLD.

Eric made a faster script (also in the utility folder) called "optimized", which runs faster but only output the R²em and first quantile (this is usually enough for most visualisation)

2021: There is an even faster file that uses the compressed version of the ld, saving lots of space and does not need any header.

python3 01_scripts/utility_scripts/ "$LD_FILE" 500 "$LD_FILE"_by_500.ld

Below are a few lines of codes that would help representing it into a heatmap in R

mat_ld_all_chr1<-read.table(FILE, header=T)



ggplot(mat_ld_all_chr1_var,aes(x=Pos1/1000,y=Pos2/1000)) + theme_classic() +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colours=c("white","lightgrey","grey80","turquoise","deepskyblue3","blue3","navyblue","black"), limits=c(0,1), values=c(0,0.125,0.25,0.375,0.5,0.675,0.75,1), name="R2")+ xlab("position (Mb)") + ylab("position(Mb)") +
  scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0.02,0)) +
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1)

Step D - Those scripts more specific, they are used to calculate LD on sub-groups of individuals (for instance homokaryotes of an inversion).

To make Ld comparable between groups, it will subset each group to have the same number of samples, using a R script Then, it loops over each group to make sub-beagle for each group, calculate LD and output it by blocks

Again we edit some variables, and choose which LG to run on and which group of samples

LG=LG3 #work on a one chromosme
POP_FILE1=02_info/"$GROUP".txt #choose on which list of pop run the analyses

#do not edit if 12A has been run for each LG under the same filters. if not, please run before
#because we are here re-using the beagle produced with all samples, on the given LG
MIN_MAF=0.10 #filter : will keep SNP above this allele frequency (over all individuals)
PERCENT_IND=0.75 #filter : will keep SNP with at least one read for this percentage of individuals
MAX_DEPTH_FACTOR=3 #filter : will keep SNP with less than X time the nb of individuals total coverage

13 Hardy-Weinberg statistics and Hobs

This step use the -hwe module of angsd to output HW statistics per population/group.

I have add a Rscript it to extract the number of heterozygotes observed at each SNP.

We later uses the windowscannr library in R to calculate Hobs along the genome for each group

sbatch 01_scripts/


See selection_pipeline