- 2
- 6
Split into smaller packages per theme
#56 opened by judith-bourque - 1
- 3
- 1
- 9
Check if element missing from vector
#74 opened by judith-bourque - 1
Create function `count_missing_values()`
#82 opened by judith-bourque - 3
Define or reduce global variables
#86 opened by judith-bourque - 1
Create function `get_EuDistance()`
#93 opened by judith-bourque - 3
Identify internal functions
#125 opened by judith-bourque - 0
Add lifecycle badges to README
#132 opened by judith-bourque - 0
Add `locateip` and `wikirest` to README
#130 opened by judith-bourque - 0
#127 opened by judith-bourque - 0
- 3
Rmd workflow can't configure package RCurl
#123 opened by judith-bourque - 1
- 1
Add examples to README
#113 opened by judith-bourque - 0
Figures not rendered in README
#120 opened by judith-bourque - 2
- 2
Can't install because of unknown remote type
#115 opened by judith-bourque - 4
Remove non-ASCII characters from `dev_t.R`
#66 opened by judith-bourque - 2
Replace non-ASCII characters with unicode escapes in `clessnverse::translate_text()`
#102 opened by judith-bourque - 0
Fix testthat warnings
#104 opened by judith-bourque - 1
- 1
Delete duplicate tests in `dev_test-t.R`
#108 opened by judith-bourque - 3
- 0
Create tests for `rm_accents()`
#103 opened by judith-bourque - 0
- 1
Create sub-packages
#92 opened by judith-bourque - 0
Add GitHub Action to re-render README.Rmd
#97 opened by judith-bourque - 0
Create README.Rmd
#96 opened by judith-bourque - 1
Tidy `analysis.R`
#94 opened by judith-bourque - 0
Reorganise R/ folder
#90 opened by judith-bourque - 0
- 1
Add lifecycle badge to count_na()
#84 opened by judith-bourque - 1
- 0
- 1
- 0
Create documentation for split_words
#75 opened by judith-bourque - 0
Add tags as experimental functions
#72 opened by judith-bourque - 0
- 0
Set up basic automated tests
#69 opened by judith-bourque - 3
Create `reduce_outliers()` function
#62 opened by judith-bourque - 4
- 0
- 3
Load namespace using roxygen2 tags
#58 opened by judith-bourque - 2
Put continuous variable between 0 and 1
#52 opened by judith-bourque - 0
- 1
Update package version number
#50 opened by judith-bourque - 2
No file name in get_dictionary
#47 opened by judith-bourque