
Get HSSP Database

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello. How can I download the HSSP database and store it?
I check
rsync -avz rsync:// /local_hssp_path/
but it doesn't work, and I can't download it.

rsync -avz rsync:// /local_hssp_path/ should work. It works in my case.

Doesn't it say "receiving incremental file list" ?

Yes. It says, but it doesn't download any HSSP file.

That means rsync is still busy listing all the files that are in the hssp databank folder. (120 000 files) Downloading individual hssp files is way faster. Try:

rsync -avz rsync:// .

Or replace 101m by the pdb accession code of the file you want.

Thank's a lot. It works correctly.