- 2
Failed to compile with boost 1.85.0: missing boost/filesystem/convenience.hpp
#135 opened by Joey-Xue - 3
- 2
Failed to connect to download the data
#134 opened by shahryary - 1
- 8
make error for linux @ cbaakman
#132 opened by K-kiran90 - 1
- 2
- 1
A bug about hssp3.0.0
#128 opened by chase2555 - 6
I want to calculate the helix content, so which tool is much better? HSSP or DSSP?
#123 opened by AKBforever - 0
How HSSP calculates ENTROPY?
#127 opened by AlirezaDostmohammadi - 37
Boost Errors When I Try to Run make
#118 opened by traverbrad - 2
Access HSSP Database
#126 opened by brianjimenez - 4
#125 opened by t-nojiri - 23
Boost error while running make
#119 opened by supernova4869 - 4
Get HSSP Database
#124 opened - 14
Could not link against boost_date_time
#113 opened by albumns - 2
mkhssp does not output
#122 opened by joaomcteixeira - 10
- 3
503 Service Unavailable
#121 opened by koyurion - 6
issue with installation xssp-3.0.2
#116 opened by anganara - 0
Unused function in hssp-convert-3to1.cpp causes error in make on Mac OS 10.14.3
#114 opened by mpavlak25 - 1
License clarification
#107 opened by reneeotten - 1
Change DSSP format
#75 opened by touwwouter - 4
'Could not find a version of the library'
#103 opened by ljmartin - 4
404 error with download?
#104 opened by josephbedell - 4
dssp with non-natural amino acid
#111 opened by luirink - 12
Problem during installation
#109 opened by diallobakary4 - 1
Fails to compile on Mac OS X x64
#108 opened by mikeoconnor0308 - 1
- 22
installation on OSX
#94 opened by ppxasjsm - 4
issue with libboost 1.62
#101 opened by potant - 3
mmCIF chain ids
#74 opened by cbaakman - 1
mkhssp 2m1d: only chain B is generated
#90 opened by cbaakman - 2
inconsistent residue types error
#91 opened by cbaakman - 0
Fatal error with missing Boost file
#99 opened by brienna - 1
Compile for Windows
#70 opened by jonblack - 2
Update Linux binaries
#98 opened by dunatotatos - 2
FTP broken
#96 opened by guma44 - 10
compilation error
#88 opened by joannalange - 1
failed without an error
#89 opened by cbaakman - 8
mtrx/matrices.h not generated correctly
#72 opened by jonblack - 1
mkdssp calculates spurious phi/psi angles between residues straddling discarded residue
#86 opened by tonyelewis - 6
residue 124 in 1sx2 is skipped
#79 opened by cbaakman - 0
Improve docker use
#77 opened by jonblack - 4
Recent whitespace changes break column layout
#81 opened by tonyelewis - 1
Support four character chain ids
#78 opened by jonblack - 2
Provide mkdssp binaries
#76 opened by touwwouter - 0
Erase used on iterator
#73 opened by jonblack - 0
Separate compilation flags for bz2 and gzip
#71 opened by jonblack - 0