You are currently in the GitHub repo for HW-5. Please refer to the HW Submission Exercise from HW-0 on how to
- Download all the necessary files for this HW via a GitHub fork and creating an RStudio project.
- Submit your assignment via a GitHub commit/push and then a pull request.
This homework will cover the following topics:
- Shiny interactive apps
- Basic text manipulation
- You must submit onto GitHub:
which includes a working link to your Shiny app on the Middlebury Shiny Server.App.R
the "single-file" Shiny app code.- The 3 text files needed for your app.
- Due Wednesday 5/11. Only the actual submission is due, the pre and post-grading feedback requests are not necessary.
- Since this homework involves little ambiguity, there will be no discussion in the Wilson Media Lab.