cmoog's Following
- 3b1b3Blue1Brown
- akiva-haberman
- alexcrichton
- ammario@coder
- andreubotella@Igalia
- anthonyleezhangChicago, IL
- basilhalperin
- bcantrillOxide Computer Company
- bearsyankees@coursetable
- cachixRemote
- dandavisonTemporal
- danielfullmerAnduril
- DeterminateSystemsEverywhere
- dpeachpeachuchicago
- edolstraDeterminate Systems @DeterminateSystems
- gillescastelUniversity of Leuven
- GlareDB
- jmbaur::1
- jrouse25
- knagaitsevNorthwestern University
- littledivy@denoland
- lovesegfault@aws
- maxbrunsfeldPortland, OR
- micahreichAtlanta, Georgia
- outkineUniversity of Chicago
- pcStripe
- Rhys2024New York, NY
- sandydoo@cachix
- spencerng@roblox
- stirby
- therishidesaiCS @Illinois
- TravisWhitakerAnduril Industries
- typstBerlin
- willcrichtonBrown University
- wilsoncunningham
- xymostech@crickethealth