A simple CAD application to discretize surfaces from .IGES CAD files.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

EGGTol: Error Generator for Geometric Tolerancing

A simple program to discretize surfaces from simple CAD models.

The splash screen

This is a full interface program that aims to discretize any kind of surface from a CAD model in IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) format. The main goal is to provide useful tools to create measurements errors and manufacturing errors, which will be used to analyse how these erros affects the model or the assembly in general.

It is currently under development, with this repo being used as the official repo.

The current interface

Instalation Instructions

The software is based on a CAD-Manipulation library: the PythonOCC wrapper of the OCCT (OpenCascade Technology). All the dependencies can be installed via Conda Package Management System. After installing the Anaconda Software, simply run:

conda create -n env -c numpy -c pythonocc -c oce pythonocc-core==0.17.3 python=3

This will create a Python Environment (just a folder with a Python Interpreter with the dependencies all set). This environment will contain, mainly:

  • A Python binding for the Qt Platform (A GUI cross-platform framework) : PyQt
  • A wrapper of the OCCT (OpenCascade Technology) : PythonOCC
  • A package for numerical and scientific computing : NumPy

After installing the Python Environment, rename the generated folder to "env" and copy it to the root folder of this project. The src\runMain.vbs is the script for launching the software.

Binary Release

After a few months of work, finally a binary release is avaliable at https://hideak.github.io. This binary file is a WinRAR Self-Extraction File, which is itself a .exe file containing an Installation Wizard. Just download the file and follow the Setup Instruction on your display.


This project is under the LGPL-3.0 (GNU Lesser General Public License), version 3 from 29 June 2007.


This is an Undergraduate Project that aims developing a software to discretize most CAD surfaces from CAD models.

Created mainly by Willian Hideak Arita da Silva under orientation of Rodrigo Junqueira Leão and Crhistian Raffaelo Baldo in CNPEM (Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais) - Campinas/SP, Brazil.