- 5
- 6
Missing dependency on `symfony/security-core`
#223 opened by fritzmg - 1
- 7
Error deleting things: "DcaRelationsManager.php line 61: Argument #2 ($fieldName) must be of type string, int given"
#204 opened by Anke - 4
Error with PHP 8.1 and Contao 4.13.x
#213 opened by jankout - 0
Deprecated listener
#218 opened by Toflar - 3
Function "setAction" or "setActionFromPageId" not working (PHP 8.2 / Contao 5.2)
#215 opened by jaynoe - 6
- 2
Uncaught PHP Exception TypeError
#207 opened by christianbarkowsky - 4
Cart: str_contains(): Argument #1 ($haystack) must be of type string, array given
#210 opened by AlexanderWillner - 2
StringParser type error if error while replacement
#189 opened by rabauss - 1
[v5] Strict comparisons in DcaAjaxOperationsListener not compatible with strict database
#196 opened by rabauss - 8
- 2
4.X | Image:addWatermark() fails in PHP8
#194 opened by cboelter - 7
[FORM] Removing inline event listeners
#206 opened by doishub - 1
- 1
Missing `rt` parameter in Contao's Dashboard when using Haste's toggle operation
#201 opened by fiedsch - 1
- 3
- 6
[v5] Relation tables are deleted while contao:migrate
#187 opened by rabauss - 1
5.x Insert tags are not working
#186 opened by dmolineus - 3
Form validation leads to data container type errors in save_callbacks for tl_calendar_events
#184 opened by Defcon0 - 8
Preparing the release of version 5.0
#178 opened by Toflar - 6
Keep `Haste\` root namespace for 5.x
#177 opened by fritzmg - 0
- 0
- 1
- 4
Exclude tests/ from distribution
#164 opened by ameotoko - 0
get dca_value for tl_member
#145 opened by zonky2 - 2
Filter for many-to-many relations not visible
#162 opened by dmolineus - 3
PHP8 compat
#158 opened by m-vo - 2
Installation error under contao 4.11
#159 opened by markocupic - 5
Undo hooks does not support services
#155 opened by dmolineus - 6
Haste does not execute the onundo_callback
#156 opened by dmolineus - 4
- 1
- 2
Errror at install tool
#139 opened by zonky2 - 1
Form: File/ Image Upload?
#141 opened by mucka-veli - 1
non-existing runonce
#134 opened by zonky2 - 3
StringUtil::convertToText() preg_match_all() expects parameter 2 to be string, object given
#128 opened by fatcrobat - 5
- 9
composer update on windows
#133 opened by zonky2 - 2
FR: add new form fields after/before existing ones
#130 opened by fritzmg - 0
- 1
- 2
update breaks the installation
#127 opened by asaage - 3
- 1
- 2
Use SUBMIT_TYPE = auto in Form.php
#117 opened by SGehle - 4
http_build_query wrong arguments seperator
#116 opened by koertho