Hi 👋, I'm Uriah

10X Developer Focus on Optimizing my Day to Day Workflow

A Master Rustacean 🦀

A Fullstack Software Engineer

An Open Source Advocate

Are you a MacOS User? feel free to adopt by 10X Dev Worklow on Mac

Do you love Rust 🦀 ?

I got lots of stuff related to rust

Get Productive Coding in Rust, Try my Neovide Rust Edition comes with a install script.

If you're using Rust Rover , for Rust Development , you can Import my Rust Rover Settings and be productive.

Rust on Steroids - Reproducible Fullstack Rust Development Environment on Codespace or Docker Dev Containers

That can be used To create REST API with Axum or Tonic using the following:

GRPC Server Template and GRPC Services Template Generator

Workspace CLI to Manage your Rust Workspace easily

Snippet Management CLI for Managing your Snippets on Neovim and VSCode

If you Speed up your Dev Workflow with my Workflow please star it Thanks!

