
Cannot build recent RATTLE versions

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I've had a good experience using RATTLE in previous versions, but I am experiencing troubles in building the software using the HPC machines that are available to me right now. I attach at the link below the stdout I get from running the install instructions on our two different machines, which I hope will give you some idea of what the build problems are. Both machines have a gcc version of 9.4.0.!AvwOlP_fkZlgg_w1_FEndvE62boiqQ?e=5Jead4

I'd be very grateful for any assistance in resolving these problems and getting a functioning build of the most recent version of RATTLE.

Chris L

Aha, I should write to correct - apparently the version built on the hpc_head_002 computer actually does run OK (I just tested), despite the concerning error messages from the script.

However, I don't get a rattle binary out of the franklin installation - evidently because of a problem with spoa. I'd still be very grateful for any help in debugging this.

Thank you,

Hi Chris,

Line 99 of franklin log, cmake is not found. Can you please check whether you have installed cmake in your conda environment?
