
Segmentation fault (Core dumped)

abcdtree opened this issue · 2 comments

Some of my fastq will raise this error.

Reading fasta file... Done
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

My command line:

awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\n"} /^@/ {getline s; getline a; getline q; if (length(s) >= 150) {print $0,s,a,q}}' 20180124_xxx_v3.2.2_pass.fastq > 20180124_xxx_pass_sorted.filtered.fastq
~/Software/RATTLE/rattle cluster -i 20180124_xxx_pass_sorted.filtered.fastq --fastq -o ./20180124_xxx

Any reason in your mind?

Thank you

I'd like to debug this problem but without having the fastq file it's going to be really hard. Is it possible that you send me the file? Or maybe a chunk of the file that also causes the issue.

You can contact me at


Fixed on 0c21542