- 12
Multiple instances of the same concept in a word list
#1414 opened by alzkuc - 3
Adding 15 new concept lists: Multiple PRs or just one?
#1412 opened by alzkuc - 2
Human Body Part Word Frequencies
#1297 opened by LinguList - 0
Cutting and breaking verbs in new experimental study
#1375 opened by LinguList - 2
New concepts
#1402 opened by MuffinLinwist - 2
Possible new mappings
#1365 opened by MuffinLinwist - 0
- 5
- 2
Battig and Montague Category Norms (1969)
#1395 opened by alzkuc - 5
#1377 opened by MuffinLinwist - 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
Object naming Norms for Picture Stimuli: LinguaPix megastudy (Krautz&Keuleers, 2022)
#1388 opened by alzkuc - 0
- 0
Duplicates in Seifart-2015-410
#1380 opened by FredericBlum - 0
Liang-2024-60: Basic vocabulary list with polysemies
#1384 opened by LinguList - 1
Review of PEAK vs. SUMMIT
#1378 opened by MuffinLinwist - 0
Add Mirijevski-1791-284
#1382 opened by xrotwang - 0
Update contributors
#1371 opened by chrzyki - 0
Correct description on Urban 2011
#1352 opened by eva-dlce-zenodo - 4
Concept list by Lastra (Spanish)
#1332 opened by LinguList - 0
#1367 opened by AnnikaTjuka - 0
POLE mappings
#1366 opened by AnnikaTjuka - 0
Add note about GLOSS column in documentation
#1329 opened by AnnikaTjuka - 0
Link all data in Backstrom-1992 to HEAR OR LISTEN
#1350 opened by LinguList - 1
Groundnut and Peanut: Are they the same?
#1349 opened by LinguList - 0
Those and These in Backstrom-1992-210
#1351 opened by LinguList - 1
Mappings of CLAW and CLAW OR NAIL
#1343 opened by AnnikaTjuka - 1
Duplicates 2288 METEROID and 2835 SHOOTING STAR
#1341 opened by AnnikaTjuka - 11
Errors in data by Urban-2011-160
#1338 opened by LinguList - 5
Winter-2022-98 day and noon
#1344 opened by AnnaDiNatale - 3
Verbs only in imperative
#1337 opened by MuffinLinwist - 3
RED DEER as sub-concept of DEER
#1335 opened by MuffinLinwist - 3
Mapping of ear ornament
#1336 opened by MuffinLinwist - 2
Possibly splitting LEAVE into GO AWAY and LEAVE
#1313 opened by FredericBlum - 4
CROSS (River) mapped to several different concepts
#1316 opened by FredericBlum - 0
Move mappings from 2309 LIVE to 1422 BE ALIVE
#1285 opened by AnnikaTjuka - 0
New concept SARDINE
#1327 opened by MuffinLinwist - 0
Change mappings from 927 MANIOC to 925 CASSAVA
#1294 opened by AnnikaTjuka - 0
Holle List in Dutch and Indonesian (> 1000 concepts)
#1324 opened by LinguList - 0
Auderset's Mixtecan Paper Accepted, List can be Added
#1321 opened by LinguList - 0
Evgeniya Korovina in
#1317 opened by MuffinLinwist - 7
Release 3.1
#1300 opened by AnnikaTjuka - 2
- 5
Add PDFs for 3.1
#1301 opened by chrzyki - 2
Remapping Spanish selva to 3808 JUNGLE
#1286 opened by mathildavz - 0
Multilingual Picture Naming Database
#1296 opened by LinguList - 8
New concepts: GUAVA and BREEZE
#1282 opened by FredericBlum - 4
New concepts: GET DRUNK and TADPOLE
#1290 opened by FredericBlum