
Significance brackets

amirabbasraf opened this issue · 1 comments

I have a bar plot with two independent variables (one is examining the effect of “Block”: Congruent/Incongruent, and the other is the effect of “Condition”: Observation, Execution, and Means-end). I would like to add a significance bracket for the response times in the Means-end condition between the Congruent CE and Incongruent CE blocks, and also another significance bracket for the response times in the Observation condition between the Congruent CE and Incongruent CE blocks (i.e., the same as the one that I have displayed for the response times in the Means-end condition between the Congruent CE and Incongruent CE blocks in the bar plot, please check the attached codes). May I ask for your help with writing the correct codes to display the aforementioned details, please? You may kindly refer to my R script codes (incomplete so far) in the attached file.
Thanks so much indeed.

@amirabbasraf I'd suggest you post a reproducible example so it's easier for people to help you