
Superhuman accuracy on the SNEMI3D connectomics challenge

Primary LanguagePython

Superhuman accuracy on the SNEMI3D connectomics challenge


This repository is the reproduced implementation of the paper, "Superhuman accuracy on the SNEMI3D connectomics challenge".


This code was tested with Pytorch 1.0.1 (later versions may work), CUDA 9.0, Python 3.7.4 and Ubuntu 16.04. It is worth mentioning that, besides some commonly used image processing packages, you also need to install some special post-processing packages for neuron segmentation, such as waterz and elf.

If you have a Docker environment, we strongly recommend you to pull our image as follows,

docker pull registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/renwu527/auto-emseg:v5.4


docker pull renwu527/auto-emseg:v5.4


Datasets Training set Validation set Test set Download (Processed)
AC3/AC4 1024x1024x80 (AC4) 1024x1024x20 (AC4) 1024x1024x100 (AC3) BaiduYun (Access code: weih) or GoogleDrive

Download and unzip them in corresponding folders in './data'.

Model Zoo

Datasets Models Download
AC3/AC4 ac3ac4-test.ckpt BaiduYun (Access code: weih) or GoogleDrive

Training and Inference

cd ./scripts

1. Training

python main.py -c=seg_3d

2. Inference

python inference.py -c=seg_3d -mn=ac3ac4 -id=ac3ac4-test -m=ac3


waterz: voi_split=1.095144, voi_merge=0.342404, voi_sum=1.437549, arand=0.168990

LMC: voi_split=1.144543, voi_merge=0.262998, voi_sum=1.407541, arand=0.122037


If you have any problem with the released code, please do not hesitate to contact me by email (weih527@mail.ustc.edu.cn).