A worldwide epidemiological database for COVID-19 at fine-grained spatial resolution
Pinned issues
- 0
- 7
Data updates
#211 opened by pmaier1971 - 6
How to add new data to COVID-19 Data Hub
#179 opened by eguidotti - 2
No "confirmed" data updates since 21/11/2022
#212 opened by PowershellNinja - 1
France - Missing deaths data before Feb 05, 2021
#209 opened by felipemfp - 7
- 2
No updates for Australia from 27 Jul 2022
#210 opened by GitJJ - 4
- 1
No level 3 data for U.S. after May 13, 2022
#207 opened by kenshermock - 3
- 5
- 5
Confirmed Cases China
#197 opened by wayne05de - 2
- 2
Data not updated for Korea, Hong Kong
#202 opened by Long-Cao - 2
Can we add population density?
#200 opened by mikolajadamowicz - 2
Differentiating cases from PCR and Rapid tests
#196 opened by M3IT - 1
France, Israel - cases not updating
#201 opened by hlcny - 2
Delayed Data Update
#199 opened by kenshermock - 1
Thank you for your work. Data have not been updated in several days. Levels 2 and 3
#198 opened by kenshermock - 3
google tracking
#195 opened by LuiNov - 3
- 6
Error connecting with the Hub from Canada
#194 opened by jfsavardenap - 5
Data missing from Portugal
#192 opened by susanapsilva - 6
Many countries do not have data when level = 3 or 2, but apparently google indicators are available for them
#191 opened by umbe1987 - 3
- 6
International/upper-national data
#189 opened by I-I-IT - 1
Levels 2 and 3 not updating
#188 opened by kenshermock - 5
Level 3 lagging, too
#187 opened by kenshermock - 4
Level 2 dataset update lagging
#186 opened by kenshermock - 2
Solution to everchanging Apple Mobility url
#184 opened by heinonmatti - 3
- 12
Data are not importing as expected
#174 opened by kenshermock - 3
USA data - key_alpha_2 is blank
#175 opened by hlcny - 5
No city level data for Italy after 2021-03-25
#178 opened by drs81 - 3
- 2
USA level 3 data
#173 opened by xinleideng - 4
Large database size
#172 opened by dherrera1911 - 1
Level 2 Data Not Refreshed
#171 opened by kenshermock - 4
Inconsistent data for Germany?
#167 opened by sueskind - 1
Question to verify Israel hosp data
#170 opened by hlcny - 6
#169 opened by utterances-bot - 2
Update data
#168 opened by susanapsilva - 1
- 1
U.S. raw level 2 data has missing values for 4/16
#165 opened by kenshermock - 2
No recovered for USA and UK
#161 opened by guenterhack - 7
U.S. levels 2 and 3 not updating
#164 opened by kenshermock - 2
NY has no vaccination data
#162 opened by hlcny - 2
About daily cases
#163 opened by VLucet - 2
US Level 2 data with 0 observations
#159 opened by uqzwang - 1
U.S. data ? updating
#158 opened by kenshermock