
U.S. levels 2 and 3 not updating

Closed this issue · 7 comments

No updates since 4/24. Thank you for all that you do.

Yes thanks, it should have been solved already but it takes some time to generate the data files.
The data should be updated in a couple of hours max. Thanks for your patience.

Hello @kenshermock, I can see all the raw data up-to-date. Please make sure to switch to the raw data by 1 April as recommended here and in the README:

Due to the incresing size of the data files, we will stop to provide the pre-processed data on 01 April 2021, so to improve the update and storage of the raw data. Please switch to the raw data if you are still using the pre-processed files.

Please let me know if this works for you. Thanks!

Hi @kenshermock, it is weird. I get the data up-to-date as of 2021-03-27 with the following code. Maybe some caching issues?

x <- covid19("USA", level = 2)
# [1] "2021-03-27"

Regarding the pre-processing, that's minimal. You can find the description here and the code here at lines 275-301. The variables affected are defined here at lines 73-99.

Hope this helps!

Mmm... I get up-to-date raw data also for level 3:

x <- covid19("USA", level = 3)
# [1] "2021-03-27"

The only file that is not updated is the pre-processed data for level 3 (that in any case will not be supported starting from 1 April).