
Repository for covidclinical.net website.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

4CE Website

Website for 4CE Consortium


Set up (macOS)

brew install ruby
gem install jekyll bundler

Start development server

bundle exec jekyll serve

Updating content

  • Home page: edit pages/index.html
  • Members list: edit _data/members.yml
  • News: edit/add _posts/{year}-{month}-{day}-your-post-title-here.md
  • styles: edit assets/main.scss
  • external urls: edit _data/constants.yml
  • site title, subtitle, description, and short disclaimer: edit config.yml

Adding a publication and associated plots

Adding a new publication

  • Add a new markdown file _publications/{paper_slug}.md with the proper frontmatter (see existing publication markdown files).
  • Add an abstract or description as the contents of the markdown file.

Adding plot pages

  • Plots must be associated with a particular "data release". Be sure to add one under releases: in the publication frontmatter.

  • Add plot files to the release directory

    • Add Vega-Lite files: _plots/{paper_slug}/{release_slug}/vega/{my_plot_file}.json
    • Add LineUp files: _plots/{paper_slug}/{release_slug}/lineup/{my_plot_file}.json
    • Add image files:
      • as PNG: _plots/{paper_slug}/{release_slug}/png/{my_plot_file}.png
      • as SVG: _plots/{paper_slug}/{release_slug}/svg/{my_plot_file}.svg
  • Add a markdown file for each plot page: _plots/{paper_slug}/{release_slug}/{my_plot_page}.md

    • Add frontmatter to the top of the markdown file, and be sure to set type: plot (see existing plot markdown files).
    • A plot page can contain multiple plots, either vertically stacked or in a tabbed layout (based on whether the plots: field is a hash vs. an array).

Adding dataset downloads

  • Like plots, dataset downlaods must be associated with a particular release.
  • Add a markdown file for each dataset: _plots/{paper_slug}/{release_slug}/{my_dataset}_data.md
    • Add frontmatter to the top of the markdown file, and be sure to set type: dataset (see existing dataset markdown files).

Adding a new page

Add a HTML or MD file to pages/

and add the following "frontmatter" to the top of the file:

layout: page
title: Your Page Title Here
permalink: /your-page-title-here/index.html
order: 1


Ruby and gems may need to be added to your PATH variable. For me, this meant adding the following to my ~/.zshrc file:

export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/bin:$PATH"


Set the S3_BUCKET_4CE_DEV and S3_BUCKET_4CE_PROD environment variables.

Set the S3_DEV_BASE environment variable to a random string.

Build and deploy to one of the buckets:

bash ./build-and-deploy.sh
# or
bash ./build-and-deploy.sh --prod